This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

EXT: Config, Metatag & SEO Features

Changed by:Iggy
Keywords:forEditors, forAdmins, forBeginners, forIntermediates
Author:Michael 'Iggy' Rudolph -
Info 4:

EXT: Config, Metatag & SEO Features

Extension Key: metaext

Language: en

Keywords: forEditors, forAdmins, forBeginners, forIntermediates

Copyright 2000-2008, Michael 'Iggy' Rudolph -, <>

This document is published under the Open Content License

available from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3

- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

Table of Contents

EXT: Config, Metatag & SEO Features 1

`Introduction 3 <#1.1.Introduction|outline>`_

What does it do? 3

Screenshots 4

`Users manual 7 <#1.4.Users%20manual|outline>`_

`Administration 13 <#1.5.Administration|outline>`_

`Configuration 14 <#1.6.Configuration|outline>`_

`Tutorial 15 <#1.7.Tutorial|outline>`_

`Known problems 16 <#1.8.Known%20problems|outline>`_

`To-Do list 17 <#1.9.To-Do%20list|outline>`_

`ChangeLog 18 <#1.10.ChangeLog|outline>`_


What does it do?

Basically this extension comes with a static template which you can include to your root template. Doing so provides you with a basic configuration for your site which is editable via the constant editor in a pretty comfortable way. Also a smart little titletag generator is included (a.o. with reverse rootline).

Additionaly you get some fields added to the page module where you can enter additional metatags ie.: copyright, publisher, robots (like: index,follow or index, nofollow etc), plus an alternative headline

Then there is also a tiny xhtml postprocessor included which is able to remove unwanted html comments, reorder the header tags (so title & metatags get on top), remove unneeded whitespace and empty lines and even is able to nicely indent the resulting code including inline js and style content.

To sum it up, you just need to include something like this in your root template:

config < plugin.tx_metaext_config.config

page.typeNum = 0

page.headerData.1000 < plugin.tx_metaext_metatags

...add some template handling in your page setup and you're ready to go.


img-1 Illustration 1: edit title & metatag settings with the constant editor

img-2 Illustration 2: alternative pagetitle added to the page settings

img-3 Illustration 3: additional metatags added to the page settings

Users manual

The main intention behind this extension is to provide a basic set of features which is needed all (or most of) the time to prepare a new typo3 site. This includes the imho. most commonly needed config values, a somewhat smart title tag generator and an easy way to edit and inject the commonly accepted metatags to the page.


Post installation :

After installing the extension via the extension manager you'll get a set of configuration options which I'll explain here:

extend Constant Editor


extend Constant Editor


This enables some new subcategories in the constant editor used by the extension template of this extension. Technically this is managed by xclassing the 'class.t3lib_tsparser_ext' class. This is just a cosmetical feature so you can read subcategories like: 'Speaking URL Management' , 'Administrative settings', or 'Administrative settings' in the constant editor.

patch 6637


patch 6637


Applying this patch will replace a function in the 'class.tslib_menu', which then adds a feature which is only available with Typo3 v4.3. This feature is the 'reverseOrder' property for the rootline hmenu. This featue is used for the reverse-rootline in the title-tag generator. With the release of typo3 4.3 this patch will become obsolete und should not be used anymore as the new version of tslib_menu might have some more features incorporated at that point.





With this setting turned on, you globaly disallow the use of the no_cache parameter. This means, even if a pages setting says to not cache the page or a config.no_cache=1 is somewhere in the setup, this will be disobeyed and the page cache will only be cleared when the regular cache timeout is due or you explicitly clear the cache.

Hide Untranslated Pages


Hide Untranslated Pages


If this setting is checked, all pages with no translation won't show up in the menu if the language setting is not L=0 (which would be the default language). Hiding untranslated pages is neccessary if you use the config option 'sys_language_mode = strict' which would result in a 404 if a page isn't translated yet. and 'sys_language_mode = fallback' is no good idea at all, because of the double content which would be created if the language overlay sends out the untranslated content when calling the page in a language which is not the default (L=0). Changing this setting eventually changes the behaviour the a setting under Web->Page->Page properties->Localization settings-> from 'Hide page if no translation for current language exists' to 'Show page even if no translation exists'. That in mind you should check this setting on pages where you manually changed them earlier, because they will behave exactly oposite.

Create sitemaps


Create sitemaps


comma separated list of sitemaps to create (realurl needs to be enabled [cooluri config will follow soon]). see manual for sitemap integration and configuration reference. valid values would be 'sitemap.xml:1234,anothersitemap.xml:2345,...' where the item in front of the colon is the name and behind is the typeNum which you can refer to in your setup. if this field is not empty, also a realurl config will be added. see manual for avoiding possible pitfalls.

Hide misc Fields:


Hide misc Fields:
Author, Email, Abstract, Keywords, Description


you can choose to hide the fields [Author, Email, Abstract, Keywords, Description] in the [metatags] section of the pages module. these are STANDARD fields of Typo3 and might be used with this extension. NOTE: disabling this option only hides the field, the underlying data is left unaffected and will be displayed if configured.

Hide misc New Fields:


Hide misc New Fields:
Alttitle, Geo, Copyright, Publisher, Robots, Importance


you can choose to hide the fields [Alttitle, Geotags, Copyright, Publisher, Robots, Importance] in the [metatags] section of the pages module. these are NEW fields that come with this extension. NOTE: disabling this option only hides the field, the underlying data is left unaffected and will be displayed if configured.

The Robots field might also be used for excluding different pages from appearing in the sitemap. The importance field is only used in conjunction with the sitemap feature.





This enables the post processor for processing the generated (x)html content. The post processing will only apply to the typeNum = 0 page object, so no other pagetypes will be affected. It does various things and apart from some features which depend on each other you can switch them on and of in a way which works for your specific setup. It is highly recommended to test the features thoroughly in your environment to decide if the result is ok on all kind of pages on your site.

unicode Processing


unicode Processing


This switches on the Unicode flag in the case you are using UTF-8 content and only get a white page as result. As there are some replacements done by regex, some might terribly fail if supplied with unicode strings and not havnig the 'u' flag set. This setting takes care of that. Should left unchecked for non-unicode content, though.

remove ALL html comments


remove ALL html comments


Postprocessing: Enabling this will remove ALL html comments apart from those nested in <script> or <style> tags. At this stage of development, also the indexed search comments will be removed, so this is to be used with precaution. This option is simply implemented for obfuscation hence security considerations in mind.

remove comment tags within cdata


remove comment tags within cdata


Postprocessing: If some extension produces additional comment tags inside cdata markings like so: '/*<![CDATA[*/ <!-- .... // --> /*]]>*/' the '<!--' and '// -->' part will get removed if this option is selected. The point is if they remain within style tags, the gecko engine is moaning about invalid selectors which is actually not an error but an avoidable warning. the flipside would be that if you turn this feature on, really very old browser might display the content of inline script and style tags, because they're not able to interprete these. if you have concerns about this or you don't encounter these sort of cdata + htmlcomment in your code, you might simply leave this feature unselected. this feature is only active if the 'remove all html comments' feature is also activated, anyway.

remove blank lines


remove blank lines


Postprocessing: This option removes all empty lines which are lines with whitespace (space char, tab, or linefeed) only as content.

remove whitespace


remove whitespace


Postprocessing: This option removes the surrounding whitespace on each line (tabs & spaces)

sort headertags


sort headertags


Postprocessing: Enabling this option turns on the sorting of the tags inside the <head> section of the output. Technically this means that all tags in the head will be rearranged in order of appearance following this priority scheme 'base > title > meta > link > style > script', which leads to the result that the base tag (if any) appears on top, followed by the title, then all meta tags in their original order will be stacked below and so forth. You should though keep in mind that at this stage of developement everything else residing within the <head> tag will be removed.





Postprocessing: If this feature is enabled, then all blank lines and surrounding whitespace will be removed first to apply a simple but nice indentation to the whole content. It even indents inline script and style content (if selected below). Content in between <textarea> tags will be omitted from the indentation, though.

indent curly braces


indent curly braces


Postprocessing: This is an additional indentation feature. If enabled, the indenter will also indent script and css content like curly braces inline code { }.

indentation character


indentation character


Postprocessing: The indenter will use this character(set) to indent. It's either a tab, or 2, 4 or 6 spaces.

additional pageTyp values


additional pageTyp values


If you've got other pages configured whose content you want to push through the postprocessor insert the respective pageTyp values as a coma separated list, eg.: 700,3005 (this means: pages with pageTyp=700 or pageTyp=3005 would get postprocessed, too)

The Static Template

The next step would be to go to your root template and insert the static template from the extension like so:

img-4 Illustration 4: insert the static template to your root template

After you've cleared the config cache, you should get two additional sections in the constant editor. It's ' SITE CONFIG ' and ' METATAGS '.

As the name suggests, this is the part where all the config parameter are set. This provides you with a filled CONFIG object which is half the rent for a proper setup and needs to be only finetuned in some special cases.

If you're curious whats going on behind the scenes, simply go to the template analyzer and have a look inside the metaext static template.

Constants: SITE CONFIG

I'll go on and explain the settings of the ' SITE CONFIG ' constants first:

Btw.: if you've applied ' extend Constant Editor ' in the extension manager settings, then you'll get a few extra subcategories and I'll refer to them in this documentation. If you haven't applied this patch, the subcategory all options will be grouped under will be ' *others* '.

For an in depth reference to all CONFIG parameters, please refer to:


for the latest TSRef please go to:


Site specific features:

Base URL


Base URL


This writes the <base> tag in the header of the document. Set this to the value that is expected to be the URL, and append a '/' to the end of the string. This value goes to config.baseURL and config.absRefPrefix.





The config.doktype value. If set, then a document type declaration (without an XML prologue!) will be generated





This is the charset used for internal rendering and output (config.renderCharset, config.metaCharset). default is utf-8. you should use utf-8 as database and collation charset and $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[BE][forceCharset] = utf-8 or chamge the setting here to whatever charset you are using.

HtmlTag Direction


HtmlTag Direction


This setting determins the reading direction which, if set to 'none', in most countries defaults to 'ltr' anyway. This is useful only if you use a language with an rtl direction.

Spam Protect eMail


Spam Protect eMail

(Spam Protect '@' Subst,

Spam Protect 'Last Dot' Subst)


If set, then all email addresses in typolinks will be encrypted so spam bots cannot detect them. If you set this value to a number, then the encryption is simply an offset of character values (eg. "-2" -> all chars will have their ASCII value offset by "-2"). To make this possible, a little JavaScript code is added to every generated web page. Alternatively you can set this value to the keyword "ascii". This way every character of the "mailto:" address will be translated to a Unicode HTML notation and no additional JS code is needed.

The '@' Subst and 'Last Dot' Subst parameters are as they suggest a replacement character to substitute these two characters to even more obfuscate email addresses on the webpage.

Remove default JS


Remove default JS


If set, the default JavaScript in the header will be removed. The default JavaScript is the blurLink function and browser detection variables. Special case: if the value is "external" then the default JavaScript is written to a temporary file and included from that file.

You should change that option to 'leave in document' or 'external' if you use 'Spam Protect eMail' with a numeric value, because the defaultJS is used for the email decryption script in that case.

Move inline Styles to file


Move inline Styles to file


If set, the inline styles TYPO3 controls in the core are written to a file, typo3temp/stylesheet_[hashstring].css, and the header will only contain the link to the stylesheet.

Speaking URL Management:

Simulate Static Documents


Simulate Static Documents


Turns Simulate Static Documents on/off. This is the Typo3 builtin url beautyfication method. Should be explicitly turned off, if you use realurl or cooluri.

SimStaticDocs Add Title


SimStaticDocs Add Title


If not zero, TYPO3 generates urls with the title in. select the number of chars the title is limited to.

Real URL


Real URL


Turns RealURL on/off. If you use this, make sure, 'simulateStaticDocuments' is turned to off, because they would interfere with each other.





Turns CoolURI on/off. Turns RealURL on/off. If you use this, make sure, 'simulateStaticDocuments' is turned to off, because they would interfere with each other.

Administrative settings:

Admin Panel


Admin Panel


show/hide the admin panel on the frontend

Site Cache


Site Cache


Switches the template cache off (for developement purposes). on production systems the setting should always be 'FE cache ON').

Cache Clear at Midnight


Cache Clear at Midnight


With this setting the cache always expires at midnight of the day, the page is scheduled to expire.





As its not the most useful thing and turned on if not set, you can gain a little performance if you switch it off here.

Site language settings:

Language Mode


Language Mode


These are the modes how typo3 deals with language overlays, especially with untranslated content. [default] if a translation of the page is not found a fall back to the default language will be displayed. [strict] an error will be reported if the requested translation does not exist. [content_fallback] the selected language will always be displayed even if the page is not translated (this will keep menus etc. translated). the content on the page can still fall back to another language, defined by the value of the 'Content Fallback Options'

Content Fallback Options


Content Fallback Options


If the Language Mode is set to 'content_fallback', this coma separated lists of language id's determines the languages to search for fallback content. translated content is searched for within these languages if there's no content with the requested language available. eg.: assuming '1,0' as fallback options here... request for L=2 - no translated content available, system looks for L=1. if there's also no content then system looks for L=0 which is the default language.

Default Language


Default Language


this is the language for L=0 the default language, and the value for the attributes "xml:lang" and "lang" in the <html> tag.

Default Locale All


Default Locale All


this is the LC_ALL setting for L=0 the default language

Xnd Language UID,


Xnd Language UID,

Xnd Language,

Xnd Locale All


the following are the settings for language L=[UID], where UID is the value you choose. If you choose 'none' then this section is simply inactive.

The same as for the Default settings goes for the respective '2nd', '3rd' and '4th' values

Site Config integration

To integrate the configuration you made to your root template, you simply need to add the following in the setup field:

config < plugin.tx_metaext_config.config

you can simply add or overwrite values to suite your needs, but however it gives you a pretty good start to get you going.

Constants: METATAGS

The next step closer to the page creation will be the ' METATAGS ' constants.

The first subcategory is the Title Settings and this is where the first additional field in the page section enters the game. It's the ' Alternative PageTitle '. You can see it's position in → Illustation 2 in the screenshots section of this document.

First off, it's helpful to show how the pagetitle can be assembled to suite the needs of most users right out of the box.

There's 3 parts in the title string:

The center part which consists of either a reversed rootline or only the title tag (which actually would be the the last element of the rootline anyway)

If 'rootline' is chosen, then a string like this will be generated:

current level :: one level down :: another level down :: … :: rootlevel

The sitename part which will be appended to the center string (if chosen)

the alternative title / subtile part which will be prepended to the center string (if chosen)

the priority is alternative title[+dividerstring] > subtitle[+dividerstring] > nothing

For each part there's a divider string which is the string to fit between the center and each of the outer string parts like this:

sub/alt title << rootline/title :: sitename

where '<<'is the title divider string and '::'is the sitename divider string .

The rootline divider string works the same way as a divider for the separate lrootline evels.

(As mentioned several times, the working of the reverse rootline feature depends on a typo3 core feature firstly available with version 4.3 which is in alpha2 state at the time of the creation of this document, so this extension comes with a patch which enables exactly this feature (see extension manager settings above). )

and this is the title settings like they appear in the constants editor:

Title Settings
prepend extra title / subtitle


prepend extra title / subtitle


If set to 1, the content of the extra 'title' field in the page settings (if filled) or alternatively the 'subtitle' will be the first item in the title string, like: 'this is a special title << your :: page :: root ...'. If set to 0, no extra page title or subtitle will be prepended.

title divider string


title divider string


This is the string used to divide the extra/subtitle from the rootline. by default it's '<<' which results in 'subtitle << level3 :: level2 ... '. the dividerstring will only be displayed if there's content for the field available.

full rootline in title


full rootline in title


If set to 1, a reverse rootline will be generated, listing the pages from the curent level (which is the actual page 'title') down to the root from left to right, which is a more convenient way to read than the usual bottom to top style. If set to 0, only the current level i.e. the current page title will be rendere here.

rootline divider string


rootline divider string


This is the string used to divide the rootline levels. by default it's '::' which results in ' level3 :: level2 :: level1 '.

append sitename


append sitename


If set to 1, the sitename will be appended like so: ' :: yoursitename', 0 turns this off.

sitename divider string


sitename divider string


This is the string which will be prepended to the sitetitle (if applied). by default it's '::' which results in '... :: yoursitename'.

The second subcategory is the Metatag Settings These settings allow you to choose some defaults for sitewide metatags like: author , publisher , copyright , email , distibution , robots , date , and the google specivic v1-verification . These metatags will only appear if a specific value is set and can be overridden by the according values in the page properties.

There is also a few additional fields added to the Metadata tab in page properties You can see their position in → Illustation 3 in the screenshots section of this document.

Metatag Settings




This is the default content of the 'author' metatag which will be displayed sitewide if filled in here. can be overridden by each pages 'author' tag





This is the default content of the 'email' metatag which will be displayed sitewide if filled in here. can be overridden by each pages 'email' tag.





This is the content of the sitewide 'publisher' metatag. It will be displayed sitewide if filled in here.





You can choose the content of the 'distribution' metatag, which will be displayed if you select a value out of: global (valid for all), local (valid only local or regional), Internal Use (IU = valid for Internal Use only), blank - no tag is generated





This is the default content of the 'robots' metatag which will be displayed sitewide if filled in here. can be overridden by checkboxes in the pages 'meta' section. Leave empty if you want no default 'robots' tag.





If display date is selected, then the date metatag will be rendered with the last modified date or, if not available, the page creation date.





If you've got a google verify-v1 tag, this is the place to enter the hash eg.:PCiRPCiR4tHR4ss4jTZd8E4jDjEJd39dDhE80iiE= .





This is the global setting for creating a GEO.POSITION and ICBM metatag if any value is enterd here (page specific values do overrie this global setting, though). enter your position in the form 'latitude%SEMICOLON%longtitude' (see:





This is the global setting for creating a GEO.REGION metatag if any value is enterd here (page specific values do overrie this global setting, though). enter your region code like 'DE-NW' here. described in ISO_3166-2 (see:





This is the global setting for creating a GEO.PLACENAME metatag if any value is enterd here (page specific values do overrie this global setting, though). enter your placename like your city or region or whatever, it's free text : 'Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen'.

Country, State, City, Zip


Country, State, City, Zip


This is the global setting for creating the respective COUNTRY, STATE, CITY, ZIP metatag if any value is enterd in any of the corresponding fields.

Administrative Settings
Enable various metatags:


Enable various metatags:



You can prevent the each of these metatag to appear within your head section, even if filled (and maybee used for other purposes) if you disable them here. All but KEYWORDS and DESCRIPTION are disabled by default.

enable DATE metatag


enable DATE metatag


If [show date] is selected, then the DATE metatag will be rendered with the last modified date or - if not available - the page creation date. You can also choose to not display a DATE metatag, which is the default.





if this option is enabled, the DESCRIPTION metatag field (if displayed on the webpage) will be filled with the contents of the ABSTRACT field from the page module (if the corresponding DESCRIPTION field is empty). this applies ONLY if the ABSTRACT metatag is NOT displayed on the webpage!

Title & Metatags integration

To use the metatags and the title tag inside your template you can simply inject them inside your page object like this:

config < plugin.tx_metaext_config.config

page = PAGEpage {typeNum = 0 headerData.1000 < plugin.tx_metaext_metatags 1 = TEMPLATE1 {template = FILEtemplate.file = fileadmin/templates/main.xhtmlworkOnSubpart = DOCUMENTsubparts.CONTENT < styles.content.get}}


All covered in → user manual


Nothing special to say here anymore. Installation is made via extension manager as usual, static template added to the root template, all configuration is done in the constants editor.

Known problems

The postprocessing feature should be tested thoroughly with every single page especially if theres non standard data in the header section and you choose to reorder the header tags, or 'special' html comments like the ones used for indexed search while the 'removing all html comments' feature is turned on. Another thing might be the fact that while indentation and whitespace inside htmlareas is maintained, empty lines will get removed even there. So use this features with precaution as their behaviour might come up with unwanted results in some cases.

Don't fear to contact me if you find a situarion where you need to switch off a feature due to problems with the content apart from the beforementioned things.

To-Do list

  • Improvements to the post processing module.
  • Backend tool which helps editing metatags for the whole pagetree or part of it.
  • Small library of standard menu stuff.





What happened

in some cases, sorting of script tags could break the script tags content, this is fixed now. even if far from standard, some ext use the <noscript> tag inside the header, so I decided to include it in the list of sortable headertags, too.




What happened

abstract field can now be used as fallback for description (configure in constants). hideuntranslated pages is configurable now (configure in EM).

misc bugfixes: htmlentities in title string is possible now. using conditional comments in the header while having headersort/remove html comments turned on works now as expected.




What happened

Geotags included. Option to post-process other page types than 0. Most fileds can be hidden on pages module now.




What happened

an array was left uninitialized so an error was thrown wenn there's no results from the former regex search, this is fixed now. thanx to Matthieu Schapranow for pointing at this :)

the unicode switch configured in the plugins EM settings doesnt affect some regexes, this might have caused breaking these regexes in non-unicode environment. this is heeded now, too.




What happened

D'oh! With adding a xml sitemap, I also added a wrong ending comment which screwed the whole TS after including the metaext static … darn. This is fixed with this version ;)




What happened

Sitemap added (documentation is pending -> see static template for a short doku at the end. new section in the constants editor 'Sitemap (XML)'. all in all pretty easy to include and configure but dies need realURL to work.




What happened

Some new features for the post processor: maintain the copyright comment → by 'sorting the header tags' or by 'removing all html comments' this typo3 copyright notice gets removed. Strictly spoken, the removal of this comment does not break any copyright law, but it is a friendly turn and a confession to leave this inside the code, so this is intended to be left checked. Btw. The meta-generator tag won't get harmed anyway ;) remove comment tags within cdata → this geature removes the 'obsolete' html comments within cdata marks. As this is only produces trouble when used in style tags and they are completely unnecessary for xml compliance (only used for saving dark age browsers from displaying script garbage because they don't know how to handle styles or scripts).




What happened

Small improvements to the post processor (sparing '<!--TYPO3SEARCH_start/end-->' tags now if 'remove all html comments' is selected and postprocessing turned on).

Updated manual.




What happened

Important Bugfix : Introduced a setting in the EM which enables unicode processing inside the postprocessor. This is necessary because if the unicode flag is set within the processing regular expressions and non-unicode characters are passed (and vice versa of course) then the result will be unpredictable. In most cases this leads to a page with no content (due to errors in the regex compiler itself).

If you're using the Post Processing feature, check the 'Unicode Processing' checkbox if you've got a utf-8 site, else leave it unchecked. If you don't use post processing, you don't need to mind about any setting below the 'post processing' checkbox.




What happened

wrong manual got uploaded with the last version. now this is the right one.




What happened

Initial published on TER