This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

EXT: mnoGoSearch

Changed by:Dmitry Dulepov
Author:Dmitry Dulepov
Info 3:
Info 4:

img-1 img-2 EXT: mnoGoSearch

EXT: mnoGoSearch

Extension Key: mnogosearch

Copyright 2004-2009, Dmitry Dulepov, <>

This document is published under the Open Content License

available from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3

- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

Table of Contents

EXT: mnoGoSearch 1

`Introduction 3 <#1.1.Introduction|outline>`_

What does it do? 3

Screenshots 3

Search results in the Frontend 3

Configuring what to index 4

Requirements 5

Support for this extension 5

Translations 5

Bugs 5

`Users manual 6 <#1.2.Users%20manual|outline>`_

Specifying web space to search 6

How mnoGoSearch decides what to index 6

Specifying pages to index 6

Excluding parts of the web site from indexing 7

Indexing only real content 7

Indexing records 8

Indexing files 9

Indexing large file collections 9

Indexing https pages 9

Creating search form 10

Using TypoScript 10

Using page module 10

Using HTML 10

Creating advanced search form 11

Creating page with search results 11

Plugin mode 11

Limiting search to a certain web space 12

`Administration 13 <#1.3.Administration|outline>`_

Compiling and installing search engine 13

Compiling and installing PHP extension 14

Creating index database 14

Using mnogosearch binary and extension supplied with operating system 14

Adding cron job 15

Installing TYPO3 extension 15

Configuring Frontend plugin using TypoScript 15

Using Google Analytics to track your searches 15

FAQ 15

TYPO3SEARCH_xxx comments are not respected. What is wrong? 15

I experimented and messed up my index. How do I clear it? 16

`I removed a page. How do I remove it from index? 16 <# oved%20a%20page.%20How%20do%20I%20remove%20it%20from%20index_|outline> `_

I receive a error “Got error 139 from the database engine” while indexing 16

There seems to be a clone of mnoGoSearch called DataParkSearch. What is it? 16

What does “mnoGoSearch” mean? 16

`Configuration 17 <#1.4.Configuration|outline>`_

TypoScript reference 17

->FORM 17




Command line tool parameters 18

`Tutorial 19 <#1.5.Tutorial|outline>`_

`Known problems 20 <#1.6.Known%20problems|outline>`_

`To-Do list 21 <#1.7.To-Do%20list|outline>`_

`ChangeLog 22 <#1.8.ChangeLog|outline>`_


What does it do?

This extension provides an alternative search engine for TYPO3. It features high performance, relevancy, true crawler, searching for word forms (go/goes, man/men), clone detection, suggest mode for misspelled words, great scalability, Google–like look. The extension can be configured to index and search pages, record and files. When searching thousand of pages, the performance of this extension is much better than any other existing TYPO3 search solution known to the author of the extension.

This extension requires external software to be installed on the server. The software can be downloaded from the web site. This software is a search engine that works behind this extension and provides indexing and searching services. Additionally mnoGoSearch PHP module is required. This manual contains instructions on building the search engine and PHP extension. Building can be performed even by unexperienced users if the follow instructions exactly.

In general mnoGoSearch extension outperforms standard indexed search extension. It is much faster and more feature rich. It has all features of indexed search but much more efficient.


This section shows how mnoGoSearch looks like in action. Screenshots in this section come from different sites, therefore visual styling also differs.

Search results in the Frontend

The following screenshot shows search results. Notice file type icon in the first result (OpenOffice document), relevancy indicator (green bar), size and last modification date. The second result did not provide last modification date and it is not displayed in the result.


The extension uses rich page browser to allow better navigation. Page browser can be customized to show as many page links as necessary:

img-4 Configuring what to index

The following screenshot shows Backend configuration of web space to be indexed. It says that the whole web site should be indexed:


Next, parts of the web site are prohibited from being indexed. These pages contain news and FAQ items. We will index them differently.

img-6 Finally we index FAQ items and news. Here is how indexing of news look like:


The reasons to index news, FAQ and some other records like this will be explained later in this manual.


mnoGoSearch extension does not work on Windows servers because corresponding PHP extension is not available for Windows. It works fine on Linux, Unix, FreeBSD and Mac OS X servers.

RealURL or CoolURI is necessary if some parts of the site has to be excluded from search. See “Specifying web space to search” for more information.

To compile search engine and PHP extension, gcc and accompanying GNU build tools must be installed on the server.

Support for this extension

Free support for this extension is available through TYPO3 mailing lists. Author does not provide free support by e–mail. Commercial support is available on request when time permits.


Translation of this extension happens only through TYPO3 translation server. Please, do not send translation to the author as they will not be accepted. Instead contact TYPO3 translators using corresponding TYPO3 mailing list.


Bugs must be reported only by using /extension-mnogosearch/issues tracker. Bugs must not be sent by e–mail because such e–mails are not processed.

Users manual

This section describes how and what end users should do to enable searching web pages using mnoGoSearch. If you are looking for “Quick start”–like guide, you should check the “Tutorial” section first. It describes the workflow to get mnoGoSearch up and running quickly. This section describes various options to search pages.

Creating search form

There are various ways to add search form to the page. You can use one or more ways. If search box appears on each page, TypoScript will work best. However two other options are also available.

Using TypoScript

To create a short simple form (equivalent to “macina_searchbox” for indexed search) on each page do the following in TypoScript:

lib.search_form < plugin.tx_mnogosearch_pi1
lib.search_form.mode = short_form

Now lib.search_form can be used for replacing a marker or as a TemplaVoila object. You can also change other options (like template file). See the “Configuration” section later in this manual.

Notice that by default form is not cacheable. Non–cacheable form will show search terms in the search box after the submission. This may slightly decrease web site performance. To avoid this the following line can be added after the two lines shown above:

lib.search_form = USER

See also “Using HTML” below to make even better performance when using search forms.

Using page module

When using Page module, insert mnoGoSearch plugin to the page and select the desired form in the plugin properties:

img-10 Using HTML

Instead of using plugin or TypoScript it is possible to have the form directly in the web site template. The following is the minimum required form mark up for mnoGoSearch:

Note that it needs proper “action” URL. If you plan to use Google Analytics to track search results, the method must be “get”. Otherwise it can be “post”. Here is HTML:

<form action="/search/" method="get">
       <input type="text" name="tx_mnogosearch_pi1[q]" value="" />
       <input type="submit" name="tx_mnogosearch_pi1[submit]" value="Search" />

This method is recommended for better web site performance. Plugin for this extension is defined as USER_INT, which means that the plugin is never cached. Having this plugin on every page may cause a slightly lower web site performance. Notice that using form directly in HTML will show search field in such form empty after submission.

Creating advanced search form

Creating advanced search form needs a little more work in addition to creating simple search form. Currently advanced search form will display only one additional field. This field will allow to select what part of web site is to search. This field is hidden by default in configuration until version 2.1.8 when it will become enabled by default.

To enable advanced search form administrator should define more than one indexing configuration for the web site. For example, he can define configurations like “Everywhere” ( ), “News only” (table: “News”), “FAQ only” (table: “FAQ”). Next these configurations should be added to the search limit field in the plugin's flexform configuration or their ID values should be added to the TypoScript property named “siteLimits”. Finally the selector should be enabled in TypoScript:

lib.advanced_form < plugin.tx_mnogosearch_pi1
lib.advanced_form.form.advanced {
       siteSelector = select

This code will render selector as a HTML <select> element. Other possible options are: radio or checkboxes .

It is possible to apply search limits but hide them in the advanced search form. For example, if “FAQ” indexing configuration has id value equals to 5, the following will TypoScript hide it from the form:

lib.advanced_form.form.advanced.siteSelector.exclude = 5

When there are several sites, current site is typically set as the default for search. This is accomplished by using the default option, which is set to the id of the indexing configuration for the current site:

lib.advanced_form.form.advanced.siteSelector.default = 3

Another important feature of the advanced search form is the ability to search the whole web site. Notice that it is not the same as “Everywhere” configuration above. “Everywhere” configuration above defines searching , which means that “FAQ” and “News” are not necessarily be searched. To add search for the whole web site the following TypoScript property should be set:

lib.advanced_form.form.advanced.siteSelector.searchAll = 1

Now a new option will be added to the search form as the first item. It will make sure that site is searched as if search was submitted using simple search form (use only limits defined in siteLimit TypoScript property or plugin flexform configuration).

searchAll can be selected as the default option by setting the default value too empty string.

But now there will be to “Everywhere” entries in the search form: one from the searchAll and another from the indexing configuration. Hiding the second will leave only one option and make a proper form. Assuming that ID valie for the “Everywhere” indexing configuration is 3, we should have the following TypoScript for the advanced search form:

lib.advanced_form < plugin.tx_mnogosearch_pi1
lib.advanced_form {
       # Add "Everywhere", "FAQ" and "News" limits to the search
       siteList = 3,4,5
       form.advanced {
               # Enable selector
               siteSelector = select
               siteSelector {
                       # Allow to search the whole site (configurations 3, 4, and 5)
                       searchAll = 1
                       # Exclude the configuration with id=3 from the advanced search form only
                       exclude = 3

Creating page with search results

To create a page with search results an instance of the mnoGoSearch plugin should be inserted to the page.

Plugin mode

Plugin options contain only two controls: plugin mode and optional selector to limit search to certain web space. Plugin mode can be set to one or more of:

  • Short search formThis form typically contains a short search box and a submit button
  • Long search formCurrently it is identical to the short search form but has a larger search box, different text on the button. In future this form will be extended to contain search limit controls.
  • Search resultsThis mode shows search results
Limiting search to a certain web space

If mnoGoSearch SQL database contains index for several sites, search will return results for every site. Sometimes search results should be limited to the current domain only or even to a part of the domain.

To limit search results to the domain, the field named “Limit search to” should be used. If this field is empty, search is not limited.

When this field is not empty, it must contain indexing configuration records that meet two criterias:

  • they are of type “Server” or “Records” (“Realm” is not supported!)
  • for “Server” type record indexing method must be “Allow” (any other method is not supported)

When field is not empty, mnoGoSearch will take all URLs from this field and returns results only that match these records. For example, if this field contains the following limits:

So if the whole server is indexed (, search result will contain only pages with news and pages with search terms on and any page below in the page hierarchy.

Notice: it is impossible to use “Disallow” records! So it is not possible to disallow “News” and allow the rest of the site.

This feature behaves very similar to Google's domain search feature. In Google it is possible to search for a term everywhere by typing “term” in the Google search box. However it is possible to limit searach results to certain domains only using “term” in the Google search box.

See “Specifying web space to search” above for information about indexing configurations.


This section provides information about extension installation.

Compiling and installing search engine

While some platforms may include mnoGoSearch, it is advised that you download mnoGoSearch source code, compile and install it. This will minimize compatibility problems between all three components of mnoGoSearch.

These instructions assume that MySQL is used as a database backend. No other backends were tested.

Download Unix source code of mnoGoSearch from its web site at . Make sure that you download at least version 3.3.6 (earlier versions may work but not supported by this document or TYPO3 extension).

Note: it is known that mnogosearch version 3.3.7 has a bug in the PHP extension module. Do not use version 3.3.7!

Server, where mnoGoSearch is compiled, must have the following packages installed:

  • automake
  • autoconf
  • gcc
  • php-devel
  • mysql
  • mysql-devel ( libmysqlclient15-dev for Debian, :code :libmysqlclient-devel for SuSE)
  • zlib
  • zlib-devel
  • mc (not needed if you want to use editor other than mcedit )

Later text assumes that mnoGoSearch source code is downloaded to the /tmp directory. Unpack it using

tar xzf mnogosearch-3.3.6.tar.gz

This will create a directory mnogosearch-3.3.6 inside the /tmp directory with all files in it.

Now locate file named and modify it to change value of HAVE\_PGSQL from 1 to 0 (near line 990):

cd mnogosearch-3.3.6

While in editor, press F7 (search) and HAVE\_PGSQL , press ENTER. Line will look like:

AC_DEFINE([HAVE_PGSQL], [1], [Define if you want to use PostgreSQL])

Change 1 to 0. Press F2 to save and F10 to exit editor.

Check the file named configure near line 26517 and see if value of HAVE\_PGSQL is 0. Change if not.

Next source code must be configured for build:

./configure --prefix=/opt/mnogosearch --disable-mp3 --disable-news --without-debug --with-pgsql=no --with-freetds=no --with-oracle8=no --with-oracle8i=no --with-iodbc=no --with-unixODBC=no --with-db2=no --with-solid=no --with-openlink=no --with-easysoft=no --with-sapdb=no --with-ibase=no --with-ctlib=no --with-zlib --with-mysql --disable-syslog

All the above should come on a single line.

On Mac OS X only add the following to the end of configure command:

CFLAGS=-arch x86_64 -arch i386” LDFLAGS=-arch x86_64 -arch i386” --enable-all-static

Warning: copy/paste of the line above will not work. Type it manually!

Now open include/udm\_autoconf.h and locate

/* #undef HAVE_PGSQL */

near line 133 and change to


and save. Assuming that there were no errors in configure execution, make and install extension:

make install

Now check /opt/mnogosearch directory. There should be subdirectories like bin , etc , var , sbin (may be some others).

Mac OS X users: read this post for additional information.

Compiling and installing PHP extension

Prepare and compile PHP module:

cd /tmp/mnogosearch-3.3.6/php
./configure --with-mnogosearch=/opt/mnogosearch

On Mac OS X only add the following to the end of configure command:

CFLAGS=-arch x86_64 -arch i386”

This properly configures mnoGoSearch PHP extension for the current PHP version.

Next step is extremely important to get PHP extension compiled and working right. Open php_mnogo.c in text editor and add


on the new line after

#include "php.h"

To make extension execute


Extension files will be places to "modules" subdirectory. Now you need to check your php.ini to find where PHP extensions are located (search for extension_dir there) and place from modules subdirectory into the directory identified by extension\_dir .

If extension\_dir does not contain file system path but something like ./ , run this from the shell:

php -i | grep extension_dir

This will give you actual value of extension\_dir parameter.

Next you need to add the following line to php.ini to enable extension:

Restart Apache and check for any error message in error log. If you find nothing related to mnogosearch, then all went fine.

Creating index database

You need to create mnoGoSearch index database manually. Do not use TYPO3 database to store indexing data because TYPO3 may remove your tables (they are not defined as TYPO3 tables).

To create index database, launch mysql command line tool with root account or account, who can create databases and grant privileges. The following is a snapshot of Linux shell session that will create mnoGoSearch database. You, however, can use any other tool (such as your web hosting control panel) to create a new MySQL database.

prompt$ mysql -u root -p mysql
Enter password: ****
> create database mnogosearch;
> grant all privileges on mnogosearch.* to 'jane'@'localhost' identified by 'janescomplexpassword';
> exit;

The "create database" statement above creates a new database named mnogosearch . grant all privileges statement grants permissions to user jane , who connects from localhost to all tables in mnogosearch database. Notice use of single quotes in the last statement.

You can choose any database name but you need to memorize it because you will need it during the next step.

Database connection parameters will be entered later in the extension configuration. See Extension configuration later in this manual.

Using mnogosearch binary and extension supplied with operating system

Using mnogosearch binary and PHP extension supplied with the operating system of the server is possible but not recommended. The author found that those binaries do not always work correctly or severely outdated. The author will not accept any bug reports for such versions.

Additionally such versions are often installed in the location other then /opt/mnogosearch/ , which means that TYPO3 extension will not work. It is strongly recommended to compile both mnogosearch engine and PHP extension. If it is not possible, the administrator must ensure that mnogosearch binary is located in /opt/mnogosearch/ or make a symbolic link for the indexer binary at /opt/mnogosearch/sbin/ .

Adding cron job

Cron script should be run once a day to perform reindexing in the database. Cron script should have access to mysql and mnogosearch engine (the once installed at /opt/mnogosearch/ ).

To install a cron script, enter the following at Linux shell prompt:

crontab -e

It will open and editor. If you did not configure any special editor, it will be default Limux editor (either "vi" or "vim"). Press "i" button and enter the following at the end of the file as one line :

0 3 * * * /path/to/php/php5 -q /path/to/web/site/typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh mnogosearch -w -n &>/dev/null

Make sure to enter correct paths. The /path/to/web/site is the path to the directory where typo3conf/ is located.

The cron line executes CLI script every day at 03:00. You can choose any hour by altering the second digit or create completely your own schedule. See cron Linux manual for more information.

Next create a new user in TYPO3 Backend. Name should be \_cli\_ mnogosearch user. Passwords and permissions do not matter. TYPO3 requires this user for CLI scripts. No users will be able to login to BE with this user account.

Installing TYPO3 extension

When installing extension, several options must be specified. The most important is the mnoGoSearch database. When specifying the database, make sure that slash exists before the question mark in the database URL. Failing to add the slash will result in connection problems to the mnoGoSearch database while indexing.

Configuring Frontend plugin using TypoScript

Most of the extension options are configured through TypoScript. The extension already has old good defaults, so settings rarely need to be changed. A full list of settings is shown in the “Configuration” section of this manual.

Using Google Analytics to track your searches

Google Analytics is able to track what users search on the web sites. The following screenshot shows how to configure Google Analytics to track mnoGoSearch searches:

img-11 If Google Analytics support is required, search forms must be submitted as “get” requests.


TYPO3SEARCH_xxx comments are not respected. What is wrong?

Here is the checklist:

  • make sure that there are no spaces around TYPO3SEARCH_xxx markers. They must look exactly like <!--TYPO3SEARCH\_begin--> and <!--TYPO3SEARCH\_end-->
  • check that comments are in the right order and not nested. The first comment must be TYPO3SEARCH_begin, followed by TYPO3SEARCH_end. Two consecutive TYPO3SERACH_begin or TYPO3SEARCH_end comments will mess up the indexing
  • if nc\_staticfilecache extension is installed, check its version. Extension with versions < 2.3.2 conflict with mnogosearch extension. Read the bug report at and follow instructions there
I experimented and messed up my index. How do I clear it?

Run command line tool like this:

php typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh mnogosearch -x -Cw

Answer YES (in block letters!) to the prompt.

I removed a page. How do I remove it from index?

The extension does it automatically. There is no need to do anything like this. Same happens when page is renamed: old address is deleted from index and new address is added.

I receive a error “Got error 139 from the database engine” while indexing

This may happen if you use database mode blob and InnoDb as your default database engine. To fix the problem open mysql command line tool for the search database and run this command:

alter table bdicti engine=myisam;

This will convert corresponding table to MyISAM format. Next restart the indexer.

There seems to be a clone of mnoGoSearch called DataParkSearch. What is it?

This is a fork of the mnoGoSearch project. It focuses on documentation and code quality improvements. It lacks PHP extension, so it cannot be used as a replacement for mnoGoSearch in TYPO3. mnoGoSearch PHP extension is incompatible with DataParkSearch.

What does “mnoGoSearch” mean?

This is about playing with words. Original developers are from Russia. “Mnogo” in Russian means “much” or “many” or “a lot”.


This section contains a description of TypoScript configuration for the mnoGoSearch TYPO3 extension.

TypoScript reference

The table below lists top–level TypoScript properties.




Data type



Template file to use






Data type



What to show in the plugin. Supported modes are:

  • short_form
  • long_form
  • search






Data type



Search form options



The table below lists TypoScript properties for search forms.




Data type



ID of the page where search results are shown. This is mainly used by the short search form when it is located on each page of the site.





Data type



Advanced search form configuration



The table below lists TypoScript properties for search forms.




Data type



How to render the search limit selector. Valid values are:

  • disabled
  • select
  • radio
  • checkboxes





Data type



Selector configuration



The table below lists TypoScript properties for search forms.




Data type



Enables “Everywhere” item in the search selector. This item will search all indexing configurations for this plugin instance





Data type



Comma–separated lists of indexing configuration id values to exclude form the form only





Data type



Id of the indexing configuration to select by default



The table below lists TypoScript properties for search results view.




Data type



Maximum size of the excerpt to show in search results




Data type



Maximum number of words to show before and after found terms




Data type



Wraps found search terms in excerpt




Data type



This is an array of mnoGoSearch options (as defined be the search engine manual). Geberally there is no need to use these options unless you know what you are doing. Key is the option name and value is the value.




Data type



Minimum word length




Data type



Maximum word length




Data type



Number of sections. Thus must correspond to the number of sections during indexing.




Data type



Search options. Do not change these unless you know what you are doing.




Data type


Configuration of the “pagebrowse” plugin




Data type



All numbers in the summary will be wrapped with this stdWrap.




Data type



Formats “Last-modified” date for pages and files. Default configuration produces empty string if last modification date is empty.

((Unknown Property))


Data type





Data type



Comma–separated list of indexing configuration uid values for indexing records. Only paths that correspond to these indexing configurations will be searched. If empty, than there is no limit.




Data type



RPD or DRP (relevancy, page rank, date or date, relevancy, page rank)




Data type



Format for the search time




Data type



A hexadecimal string that describes weight factors for different document sections. Default value puts priority on title and than body text.

Details on this option can be found at Mnogosearch documentation (see “wf” there)

Command line tool parameters

This section shows command line tool parameters. This is identical to running typo3/cli\_dispatch.phpsh mnogosearch help .

-c                Only check and create database if necessary. Do not reindex.
-d                Display generated indexer configuration and exit.
-n                Force reindexing of new URLs (normally should be set)
-p pid            Process indexing configuration only from this pid
-w                Create statistic for misspelled words. Useful only if
.                   Ispell dictionaries are included to mnoGoSearch
.                   configuration (see mnoGoSearch documentation)
--dry-run         Show what will be done (not applicable to -d and -E)
-h, --help, -?    Display this help message
-x                Pass the argument to mnoGoSearch indexer
-v level          Be verbose. Level is 0-5. Default is 0 (complete silence)


This section provides step by step instructions to get mnoGoSearch up and running.

The following steps should be done to use mnoGoSearch for searching the web site. Refer to the corresponding sections of this manual for more information.

Compile and install search engine and PHP extension

Create database for index

Create indexing configuration records

Run mnoGoSearch command line tool manually with -v 3 -w options to ensure that it indexes the web site

Install cron job for regular reindexing

Add search results page and configure Frontend plugin on it

Add search box to pages of your site

Known problems


To-Do list

Extend search form with options to limit search to certain indexing configurations


See the “ChangeLog” file in the extension.