This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Copy & PasteΒΆ

If soft hyphens (­, unicode 0x00AD) are used as hyphens, browsers tend to copy them to the clipboard when doing a copy-operation on the website. When this text is pasted again, some programs print every soft hyphen as a visible hyphen character, which is rather ugly.

In order to mitigate this behavior, this extension provides a jQuery based JavaScript that removes all soft hyphens from the copied text.

(If the jQuery dependency is a real problem, please let me know)

This script is loaded by default. If you don't want to load it, add the following line to your TypoScript

plugin.tx_nkhyphenation.settings.includeHyphenRemovalJS = 0

or don't include the basic static TypoScript template. The latter could have repercussions when updating, so it's better to insert the above line.