This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


Just install this extension the usual way like any other TYPO3 extension.

  1. Get the extension

    In the TYPO3 backend you can use the extension manager (EM).

    1. Switch to the module “Extension Manager”.
    2. Get the extension
    3. Get it from the Extension Manager: Press the “Retrieve/Update” button and search for the extension key ns_all_lightbox and import the extension from the repository.
    4. Get it from You can always get the current version from by downloading either the t3x or zip version. Upload the file afterwards in the Extension Manager.
    installation with the extension manager in the backend
  2. Activate the TypoScript

    The extension ships some static TypoScript code which needs to be included.

    1. Switch to the root page of your site.
    2. Switch to the Template module and select Info/Modify.
    3. Click the link Edit the whole template record and switch to the tab Includes.
    4. Select [NITSAN] ns_all_lightbox at the field Include static (from extensions):
    5. Include [NITSAN] ns_all_lightbox at the last place.