This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Known Problems

If you are testing the extension locally, you may encounter some small problems:

  • Facebook posts may not be loaded because of some xampp malconfiguration. You have two choices here:

    • Update your ssl certificates (.cert files) or Turn off ssl verification (considered as unsafe method because you’ll send your credentials unencrypted) - See FAQ for details
    • Private Facebook profile posts may be not displayed.
  • Posts without image may not load the placeholder image because of a ‘Not allowed to load local resource’ error.

  • Depending on your Instagram developer app status, you may not be allowed to get data from other users. See the FAQ section for more information.

  • Clearing the system cache, will also clear all posts. Run the scheduler task manually afterwards to avoid the empty page.

  • Scheduler Task should only run each 10-15 minutes due to API restrictions.