This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Administrator Manual

Describes how to manage the extension from an administrator’s point of view.


Install extension in extension manager. Include extension typoscript. Set cleverreach api key, wsdl url and url of email detail view of your cleverreach account. (click on the detail view of an already created email, copy url and remove id number)

Copy plaintext template from pixelink_newsletter/Resources/Public/Backend/Templates/NewsletterPlain.txt to your favored place and set template path in typoscript settings. This is basically a .txt file that contains a marker ###CONTENT### for your website content, some custom text like an imprint text.

The newsletter page template should render an absolute link to the newsletter page as well as a unsubscription link. The latter can be set with a cleverreach placeholder {UNSUBSCRIBE}

Typoscript view

Typoscript for newsletter page template

If you wish personal greetings you can set cleverreach placeholders such as {SALUTATION_FORMAL}

HTML Newsletters should contain inline CSS only. So either render your css file with the TEMPLATE Object or put css in your html template.

Typoscript view

Typoscript for css inline rendering


Possible subsection: FAQ