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EXT: PMK DropCap

Author:Kasper Skårhøj
Changed by:Peter Klein
Author:Peter Klein
Info 3:
Info 4:

img-1 img-2 EXT: PMK DropCap

EXT: PMK DropCap

Extension Key: pmkdropcap

Copyright 2008-2009, Peter Klein, <>

This document is published under the Open Content License

available from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3

- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

Table of Contents

EXT: PMK DropCap 1

`Introduction 3 <#1.1.Introduction|outline>`_

What does it do? 3

Initial Caps as Design Elements 3

Screenshots 3

`Users manual 5 <#1.2.Users%20manual|outline>`_

`Administration 6 <#1.3.Administration|outline>`_

`Configuration 7 <#1.4.Configuration|outline>`_

Reference 7

`Known problems 8 <#1.5.Known%20problems|outline>`_

`To-Do list 9 <#1.6.To-Do%20list|outline>`_

`ChangeLog 10 <#1.7.ChangeLog|outline>`_


What does it do?

  • Adds a new command (dropCap) to stdWrap using hook in TYPO3 v4.2+.NOTE: Due to a bug in interface.tslib_content_stdwraphook.php (See )The function must be used as a userFunc until this bug is fixed!
  • Can be uses as a userFunc in older versions of TYPO3.

Initial Caps as Design Elements

img-3 NCE UPON A TIME,in the early days of printing, typesetters would leave a space for an initial cap so it could be added later by a scribe. Initial caps are an elegant and timeless lead-in to a story. They invoke memories of beautifully illustrated storyooks from childhood and add style and a focal point to a page of plain text. Historically “initials” were ornamental and often reflected themes from the text.

With a drop cap , as above, the initial sits within the margins and runs several lines deep into the paragraph. This keeps the top and left margins of the paragraph flush with the block of text.

When using these elements, attention to detail counts.

  • Make sure that the initial cap flows into the rest of the word so it’s cohesive and easy to read
  • Ground a drop cap on the baseline of a line of text
  • Traditionally, the word, phrase or line following a drop cap is set in upper case or small caps for transition
  • Consider aligning rows of body text neatly along the right edge of the initial cap. A boxy initial letter is simple. More tricky are letters with irregular right edges such as A, F, L, P, T, V, and Y. Avoid trapping too much white space between the initial cap and the body text. Many typefaces have been developed especially for use as initial caps. In the examples below, ornamentation fills in the extra white space.


  • img-4 img-5 Above example shows dropcaps created from font file.

    Above example shows dropcaps created from static images.

Users manual

Install the extension, and you can now use the new dropCap function in your own Typoscript scripts (or PHP scripts if running TYPO3 v4.2+)




  • Once installed, you have access to a new stdWrap property called “dropCap”.
  • The dropCap function can be used in other extension like tt_news, where you could display a dropCap'ed version of the bodytext field.



You can produce subheadlines in a section using “Heading 4” or “Heading 5” (normally used for “Examples”)


Possible subsections: Reference (TypoScript)




Data type



Should return a string with the path/name of the image to display instead of the 1 st character.

The 1 st character is available in the field “firstletter”



tt_content.text.20.dropCap = COA
tt_content.text.20.dropCap {
  if.isTrue.field = tx_pmkdropcap_usedropcap
  10.file.import = {$plugin.tx_pmkdropcap.imagePath}
  10.file.import.field = firstletter
  10.file.import.wrap = |.png
  10.file.import.listNum = 0
  10.file.height = {$plugin.tx_pmkdropcap.imageHeight}

Known problems

To-Do list

Nothing, unless you got some ideas ;)


  • 28-Sep-2008
  • First version released on TER.