This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Users manual

Creating a newtwork

Download the extension and install it.

Create a page and add a new Network record.


Fill the network name and add a node by clicking on the "Create new" button.


Fill the node name and save.


Now insert a plugin in your page, select SAV Network, and select your network.


Go to your page in the frontend and you should see your network which has only one node.


Go back to the backend, click on your network record and add new nodes with the "Create new" button as explained above. The following figure shows the network record once two new nodes were added.


Now in the frontend you should see your three nodes.


Once you have at least created two nodes, you can add edges between nodes. Let us assume that we want to connect "Node 1" to "Node 2" and to "Node 3".

Go back to the backend, click on your network record and expand the first node.


Add a new edge by clicking on the "Create new" button.


Fill the "From" and "To" Nodes then save.


Do the same for the edge between "Node 1" and "Node 3" and go to the frontend.


Click on a node and move the mouse to enjoy the effect of vis.js library.

Adding options

As you may have noticed, there is an "Options field" in networks, nodes and edges. Options are described in the vis.js documentation for networks. They make it possible to change the configuration of your network.

For example, assume that we want to:

  • remove the label under the TYPO3 logo,
  • have the logo in a box with a grey background and with a border and a shadow,
  • display a "title" when the mouse hovers over the logo.

In the "Options field" of "Node 1" enter the configuration displayed in the following figure.


Go to the frontend to see the result.
