This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

EXT: Direct Mail Return

Author:Kasper Skårhøj
Author:Mirko Schaal
Info 3:
Info 4:

EXT: Direct Mail Return

Extension Key: sl_direct_mail_return

Copyright 2000-2008, Mirko Schaal, <>

This document is published under the Open Content License

available from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3

- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

Table of Contents

EXT: Direct Mail Return 1

Introduction 1

What does it do? 1

Screenshots 2

Users manual 2

Adminstration 2

Configuration 2

Setting up the cron-job 3

Known problems 3

To-Do list 3

Changelog 3

Important guidelines 4

Issues with Open Office documentation for TYPO3 4

Inserting images 4

Paragraph styles 4

Linking 5

Meta data and updates 5


What does it do?

It does the same like the returnmail.phpsh script which is shipped with the direct_mail extension except it uses php imap functions to fetch returned mails from your pop3/imap mailbox. So no fetchmail installation/configuration is required on your server.



Users manual

You have to install and configure the extension and a cron job. See section “Administration” for this task.


Simply download and install the extension. During installation you have to fill some fields with suitable values and setup a cron job. See section “Configuration” for details.


Setup a mailbox and configure the direct_mail Module to use this mailbox as ReturnPath. See section “Configuring the analysis of returned mails” in the direct_mail manual for details. You now can use this extension to fetch returned mails from this mailbox without the use of fetchmail.

During installation of the extension you need to fill the required fields:

Type is the type of your mailbox use IMAP, POP or IMAPS (IMAPS is not tested!)

If you need special parameters you can pass your string directly to the imap_open() function. So you can e.g. use


to establish a (custom) imap connection

Port is the port used to connect to the server. Leave emptry or zero to use the default port.

Inbox is the name of your Inbox usually “INBOX”.

Host is the host of your mail server.

Username and Password are used to open the connection.

In the field Process mails per cycle you can define how many mails per run the script will process.

Setting up the cron job

The script should configured as a cron task on the server.

In this example setting, the script will be invoked every 5 minutes and will check if any mails need to be processed:

*/5 * * * * /.../typo3conf/ext/sl_direct_mail_return/scripts/returnmail.phpsh > /dev/null

Note that the absolute path to the script must be specified.

Also note that returnmail.phpsh is a shell script and requires the availability of a PHP binary, "/usr/bin/php”. Depending on your server configuration, you may have to edit the first line of the script to refer to the location of the PHP binary.

Known problems

Please report any problems or suggestions on our website

To-Do list

Please report any problems or suggestions on our website


2008-04-28: initial release

Important guidelines

Issues with Open Office documentation for TYPO3

There are a few important points to make about writing documentation for TYPO3 in Open Office. Please makes sure to follow these.

Inserting images

When you insert images you can either:

  • Make a copy/paste from eg. Photoshop, but it's REALLY IMPORTANT that you insert the image into Open Office by the menu “Edit > Paste Special” and then select “Bitmap” . If you don't do it in this way the image cannot be shown (since it will not be stored as a PNG internally in the SXW file)
  • Alternatively you can use the traditional way “Insert > Graphics > From file” and insert an image from your harddrive. In particular use this if the image is photographic (JPG) since the internal storage as PNG is not good for photographs.

Generally please use copy/paste only for screendumps with large areas of similar color (good png-compression) and JPG-files for photographic images. Go for small images, 72 dpi, medium quality.

Paragraph styles

  • Use the paragraph style “Text body” for bodytext
  • Use “Heading 1” to “Heading 5” for headers. “Heading 1-3” will be recognized as “sections” on “Heading 4-5” is subheaders, where “Heading 5” is preferrably for “Examples”.
  • For code listings, use the style “Preformatted Text” (found under “HTML Styles”). For codelistings in tables there is a custom style called “Table Contents/PRE”.

This screenshot shows the only paragraph styles allowed in the documents. The ones grayed out are paragraph styles that are used by default for such as the index table or the footer. The others are the ones you are allowed to use.


You can make hyperlinks in the documents as absolute URLs. Use menu “Insert > Hyperlink”

Meta data and updates

There are three fields of meta-data you have to fill in. First of all go to “File > Properties...”.

In the “Description” screen you enter the title of the document. Extension manuals are prefixed “EXT: [extension title]”

In the “User defined” screen you enter your email address as the first field (named “Email” / ”Info 1”)

In the “User defined” screen you enter your full name as the second field (named “Author” / ”Info 2”)

Finally you should also insert the correct extension key in the text below the document title, but this is not a meta-data field, just regular text.

For more information you can go to .

EXT: Direct Mail Return - 4
