Implementing a connector service

A custom connector service must implement the interface \Cobweb\Svconnector\Service\ConnectorServiceInterface. However, there is an abstract base class (\Cobweb\Svconnector\Service\ConnectorBase) which contains some base implementations and some useful helper methods, it is thus recommended to extend that class rather than implementing the interface from scratch.

namespace MyName\MyExt\Service;
class ConnectorSpecialThingy extends \Cobweb\Svconnector\Service\ConnectorBase {
    protected string $extensionKey = 'my_ext';

It is considered a best practice to place your class file in the Classes/Services folder of your extension. It must declare an $extensionKey member variable, as this is used by the API to fetch the sample configuration.

You must then register your service with the connector registry. This goes into the Configuration/Services.yaml file. Example:

  public: true
    - !tagged_iterator connector.service

The base service provides several utility methods to access method or properties of the \TYPO3\CMS\Lang\LanguageService class and of the \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Charset\CharsetConverter class independently of context (FE or BE).

If you need to implement the __construct() method, make sure to call parent::__construct() within it.