This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Version max. 0.9.x beta

Update on 2012-12-26 to version 0.9.0 beta

  • [FEATURE] #44233 - Make Akismet available for powermail 1.x
  • [FEATURE] #43994 - t3_blog integration
  • [FEATURE] #31962 - ke_userregister integration
  • [FEATURE] #12793 - improved http-check
  • [BUGFIX] #38288 - compatibility with TYPO3 4.7
  • [BUGFIX] #33545 - Small error in static/settings/setup.txt
  • [BUGFIX] #32538 - tx_wtspamshield_log.pageid in DB always the same
  • [BUGFIX] #32079 - message definition on wrong template position
  • [BUGFIX] #7005 - superfluous tt_news piVars appended when redirected to "spam recognized page"