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EXT: Xtended Fotoboek

Author:Kasper Skårhøj
Changed by:Søren Andersen
Author:Søren Andersen
Info 3:
Info 4:

Xtended Fotoboek

Extension Key: xtended_fotoboek

Copyright 2006, Søren Andersen, <>

This document is published under the Open Content License

available from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3

- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

Table of Contents

Xtended Fotoboek 1

Introduction 1

What does it do? 1

Screenshots 1

Users manual 2


Configuration 2


Reference 2

Known problems 3

To-Do list 3

Changelog 3


What does it do?

This extension is supposed to give the user more flexibility in dealing with the gallery goof_fotoboek. Have you wondered why you can't sort your subgalleries by comment title instead of dir name? Wondered why you couldn't mark odd and even subgalleries differently? Have you ever been in the need of sorting subgalleries in non-logical way? If you can say yes to any of these, this extension is for you!



Some words

I would like to thank Arco van Geest for the goof_fotoboek extension, it's a really nice one! It's simple enough to let administrators add pictures to the gallery, without compromising on important features.

This little extension does some work, that I needed, then it got out of hand, and now i'm finding myself implementing features that i imagine others would need. So if you appreciate my work please consider buying me something from my amazon wishlist.

Click here to open my wishlist

Note: It's my birthday the 10 th of October ;)

Users manual

As this extension is an XCLASS of the goof_fotoboek, it doesn't have to be included as a front end plugin. The typoscript configurations are available as soon as this extension is installed.

The extension adds the possibilty to sort you subgalleries in any way you want them. It's done by utilizing the comment files. With this extension installed, the 2 nd line of the comment file takes a number. This number is the primary sorting reference. Sorting priority is as follows: Sorting numbers in comment files -> Dirname in comment files -> Directory names

In the future you should be able to define the sorting priority by typoscript, but i haven't implemented that yet.


Q: Why are my folders not sorted alphabetically?

A: It's a possibility that some of your directories are written with uppercase and some with lower case. Uppercase letters will be sorted before lower case letters. This means that 'B' will come before 'a'.


This section will provide you with the typoscript configuration probabilities of this extension.


Q: How do i dissable xtended_fotoboek for certain pages.

A: You can't do that yet, I will add a typoscript property for that later.

Q: I'm configuring plugin.ux_tx_gooffotoboek_pi1 but nothing happens

A: That's because typoscript should be set for tx_gooffotoboek_pi1






Data type



Define the number of directories you want to style.

If this value is set to 2, you have the possibility to style every 2 nd directory differently. It takes any integer.






Data type



Should the script provide and ending to the code?

If set to 1, it will read DIRS_ITEM_i if the column doesn't have as many items as the first column. Look at the template help site.






Data type



How many colums do you want?

This is for making vertical ordered columns

Again, look at the template page.






Data type



This string should be a CSV list. The first number defines where in the line, the defined sorting in the comment file, should be. The second value is regarding the title in the comment file, and last is the dirname.

Do you want to sort by dirnames first, then you would want the number 3 to be the first in the list. There are only 3 values, if the exploded array doesn't get a number of 3 elements it will use the default value.




This extension uses some template markers, which are not supported by the goof_fotoboek. This section should enable you to use the extended markers, that this extension brings.

This is an example of ever 2 nd dir written with red background, every 3 rd dir green background and others with blue. You can define as many DIRS_ITEM_i you want, it's independent of how many you actually use. So with the same template file, you can do every 2 nd on one page and every 3 rd on another.

The code below should not be nested into other subparts.

First you need some typoscript code:

plugin.tx_gooffotoboek_pi1 {

dir_num_diff = 3

dir_ending = 0

dir_num_columns = 0


<!-- ###DIRS_LIST### start -->

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEMS### start -->

<!-- ###DIRS_COL_1### start -->

<!-- ###DIRS_DIFF### start -->

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEM_1### start -->

<span style="background-color: blue;">###DIRTITLE###</span>

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEM_1### stop -->

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEM_2### start -->

<span style="background-color: red;">###DIRTITLE###</span>

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEM_2### stop -->

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEM_3### start -->

<span style="background-color: green;">###DIRTITLE###</span>

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEM_3### stop -->

<!-- ###DIRS_DIFF### end -->

<!-- ###DIRS_COL_1### end -->

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEMS### stop -->

<!-- ###DIRS_LIST### stop -->

With these templating possibilities you can make any number of columns you want. This is a 3 column layout:

First you need some typoscript code:

plugin.tx_gooffotoboek_pi1 {

dir_num_diff = 3

dir_ending = 1

dir_num_columns = 0


<!-- ###DIRS_LIST### start -->

<table style="width: 500px;">

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEMS### start -->

<!-- ###DIRS_COL_1### start -->

<!-- ###DIRS_DIFF### start -->

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEM_1### start -->

<tr><td><span class="col1">###DIRTITLE###</span></td>

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEM_1### stop -->

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEM_2### start -->

<td><span class="col2">###DIRTITLE###</span></td>

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEM_2### stop -->

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEM_3### start -->

<td><span class="col3">###DIRTITLE###</span></td></tr>

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEM_3### stop -->

<!-- ###DIRS_DIFF### end -->

<!-- ###DIRS_COL_1### end -->

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEMS### stop -->


<!-- ###DIRS_LIST### stop -->

Notice that this layout will sort your directories in a horizontal order. Maybe you would want to sort your directories vertically. Of course you can do that, by sorting your directories manually, but I have made the possibility for you to sort them vertically by using the DIRS_COL_i markers. This is an example:

First you need the following typoscript code:

plugin.tx_gooffotoboek_pi1 {

dir_num_diff = 1

dir_ending = 0

dir_num_columns = 2


And then the template:

<!-- ###DIRS_LIST### start -->

<table style="width: 500px;">


<!-- ###DIRS_ITEMS### start -->

<!-- ###DIRS_COL_1### start -->

<td style="vertical-align: top;">

<!-- ###DIRS_DIFF### start -->

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEM_1### start -->

<span class="col1">###DIRTITLE###</span>

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEM_1### stop -->

<!-- ###DIRS_DIFF### end -->


<!-- ###DIRS_COL_1### end -->

<!-- ###DIRS_COL_2### start -->

<td style="vertical-align: top;">

<!-- ###DIRS_DIFF### start -->

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEM_1### start -->

<span class="col2">###DIRTITLE###</span>

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEM_1### stop -->

<!-- ###DIRS_DIFF### end -->


<!-- ###DIRS_COL_2### end -->

<!-- ###DIRS_ITEMS### stop -->



<!-- ###DIRS_LIST### stop -->

Known problems

No known problems right now, write me an email, if you encounter undocumented problems.

Note: this extension doesn't add possibility to sort files, only subgalleries.

To-Do list

  • Typoscript for disabling the behavior of this extension
  • Pagination of subgalleries

Write me if you have any wishes


0.0.4 Now it's possible to make various listings of the subgalleries, via extended template options.

0.0.2 Features possibility to template every 2 nd dir, or any user specified value.

img-2 Xtended Fotoboek - 5