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EXT: Yellowpay Gateway for commerce

Author:Kasper Skårhøj
Changed by:Cedric Spindler
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Author:Cedric Spindler
Info 4:

img-1 img-2 EXT: Yellowpay Gateway for commerce - yellowpay2commerce

EXT: Yellowpay Gateway for commerce

Extension Key: yellowpay2commerce

Language: en

Keywords: forAdmins

Copyright 2000-2008, Cedric Spindler, <>

This document is published under the Open Content License

available from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3

- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

This extension is sponsored by cab services ag:

Table of Contents

EXT: Yellowpay Gateway for commerce 1

`Introduction 3 <#1.1.Introduction|outline>`_

What does it do? 3

Screenshots 3

`Users manual 4 <#1.2.Users%20manual|outline>`_


`Administration 5 <#1.3.Administration|outline>`_


`Configuration 6 <#1.4.Configuration|outline>`_

`Tutorial 7 <#1.5.Tutorial|outline>`_

`Known problems 8 <#1.6.Known%20problems|outline>`_

`To-Do list 9 <#1.7.To-Do%20list|outline>`_

`ChangeLog 10 <#1.8.ChangeLog|outline>`_


What does it do?

This extension provides a commerce payment-provider to the yellowpay payment gateway. The yellowpay-provider will be added to the existing list of payment providers in commerce.

Please put any bug reports or feature requests on project page. Patches are welcome when tested and commented properly (always with documentation text please).


This extension does not check if the payment was successful or if the order and userdata is valid! Manual checking in the Postfinance Backoffice by the seller is strongly recommended. TYPO3 does not provide the required security level to handle fully trusded payments!


Selection of the Yellowpay payment method
img-3 Extension Manager Configuration.

The Postfinance backoffice will provide you with the required information:


Users manual

  • After installing the extension a new payment article is added to the commerce payment product. You probably want to rename it, translate it or define a price.
  • Please be careful with this aricle, because the field “classname” is not shown in the backend, but the value in this field is required for the extension to work.


Does the extension check if the commerce order and userdata is valid?

No. This extension does not check if the payment was successful or if the order and userdata is valid! Manual checking in the Postfinance Backoffice by the seller is strongly recommended. TYPO3 does not provide the required security level to handle fully trusded payments!


  • You need a yellopay-payment-article. The classname of this article has to be set to “yellowpay” in the table “tx_commerce_articles”.
  • After installing the extension you sould configure it using the Extension Manager


Questions? Feel free to ask.


  • You can provide a test payment URL (yellowpayTestPaymentURL). As soon as you enter the URL for the production environment (yellowpayPaymentURL), the extension will use it instead of yellowpayTestPaymentURL.
  • The locale for selecting the Yellowpay gateway language is taken from $GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['locale_all']. Be sure to set it. Example (TS Constants): lang.current_locale = de_DE.UTF-8
  • The Postfinance backoffice has to be configured as shown in the Tutorial.


  • Make a contract with Postfinance

  • Provide the Postfinance backoffice with the required information like URLs and Payment method.

    • 1.1.: GET

    • 1.2.: Your email adresses for the shop

    • 2.2.: URL that leads to the site containing the checkout plugin.

    • 4.1. first field: URL thad leads to the site containing the checkout plugin, followed by ?tx_commerce_pi3[terms]=termschecked&tx_commer ce_pi3[step]=finish&tx_commerce_pi3[yellowpay]=success

    • 4.1. second field: URL thad leads to the site containing the checkout plugin, followed by:

      ?tx_commerce_pi3[terms]=termschecked&tx_commerce_pi3[step]=finish &tx_commerce_pi3[yellowpay]=failed

    • 4.2.: “Make this request just after the payment and let the result customize the answer seen by customer (HTML code or redirection).”

      Authorize to defer the request if the online request has failed ? No.

    • 4.3.: “for "3 tiers" modes only”

    • 5.2.: “Display a ticket to the client if a redirection to your website is detected just after the post-payment process (redirection in the POST-SALE or ACCEPTURL page)”

    • 5.4.: “Send an email to the client if the address is available “

    • 6.: Yes

    • 7.1.: Never

    • 8.: Online (Immediate)

    • 9.: Automatic authorisation and payment (data capture) on request

  • Install the extension yellowpay2commerce from TER.

  • Set the values for the fields yellowpayTestPaymentURL, yellowpayPSPID, yellowpayOrderIDprefix and yellowpayOrderTitle. URL and PSPID are provided by the Postfinance backoffice. Examplex provided by the Extension Manager Configuration.

  • Set a name, price and translations for the yellowpay payment article in the commerce module.

  • Test your payment system.

  • If everything works and you are ready for production, put the production URL into the Extension Manager Configuration field “yellowpayPaymentURL”.

Known problems

This extension does not check if the payment was successful or if the order and userdata is valid! Manual checking in the Postfinance Backoffice by the seller is strongly recommended. TYPO3 does not provide the required security level to handle fully trusded payments!

To-Do list

The Postfinance backoffice provides the possibility to configure a lot of things like the layout of the gateway, predefined user and payment settings. Implement some of them in this extension.


15.12.2008 - Cedric Spindler <>

* Version 0.0.2

* the extension now uses currency / language settings from TypoScript settings.

* added extension icon

28.11.2008 - Cedric Spindler <>

* Version 0.0.1

* implemented request handling with the yellowpay payment gateway

* added ext_conft_template.txt for configuration

30.10.2008 - Cedric Spindler <>

* Initial release - Version 0.0.0

* Defined the steps for the orderprocess

* TODO: develop the request handling for communication with yellowpay