Other Plugins

By default the SEO analysis is only done on pages. If you want more type of records to use the SEO functions, these are two ways of accomplishing this:

Required: adding PageTsconfig preview configuration

One important thing to know is that the snippet preview of records other than pages, only works when you have set a proper preview link. This is needed for both of the solutions above. The only thing you need to do is set some PageTsconfig. More information about the configuration of the preview links can be found in the documentation.

An example configuration of the preview links for EXT:news records is:

TCEMAIN.preview {
    tx_news_domain_model_news {
        previewPageId = <YOUR_DETAIL_PAGE_ID_HERE>
        useCacheHash = 1
        useDefaultLanguageRecord = 0
        fieldToParameterMap {
                uid = tx_news_pi1[news_preview]
        additionalGetParameters {
                tx_news_pi1.controller = News
                tx_news_pi1.action = detail