Content Elements

Folder: ContentBlocks/ContentElements.

Content Elements are a special Content Type in TYPO3. The basic structure is already defined in the TYPO3 Core. Content Blocks only adds new types to it. The typeName for CType will be generated automatically from the name. Usually you don't need to know how it is called internally. If you do need to know the name, you can inspect it e.g. in the Page TsConfig module.

A minimal Content Element looks like this:

 name: example/cta
   - identifier: header
     useExistingField: true

In case you need the well-known Appearance tab back, you can add pre-defined Basics to your definition:

 name: example/cta
     - TYPO3/Appearance
     - TYPO3/Links
   - identifier: header
     useExistingField: true

The Appearance tab will then be added after all your custom fields.