

Defining "Content Elements" in TYPO3 is hard and the learning curve is steep.

The concept of a so called Content Block is introduced in the form of a new system extension content_blocks into the Core. A Content Block is a simplified way to define new Content Types. This includes Content Elements, Page Types and generic Record Types. The definition is declared mainly inside a YAML file. This YAML file defines both, the required fields and the structure in which they are displayed in the editing view in the backend. From this single file all other "low-level" definitions are generated during the runtime and stored in a dedicated cache. Content Blocks is not there (and not able) to replace the current system, but adds another abstraction layer to a complicated API.

For more insights about what Content Blocks replaces, read this article.


To create a new Content Block, a folder ContentBlocks has to be created on the root level inside an existing and loaded extension. Then, depending on the Content Type you want to create, you either create a ContentElements, PageTypes or RecordTypes folder, in which you finally put your Content Block inside. To quickly kickstart a new Content Block, the command make:content-block can be used.

A minimal Content Block consists of this directory structure:


The Assets folder can be compared with the Resources/Public folder and the Source folder with Resources/Private. The Assets/Icon.svg is registered automatically for the Content Type icon. Only Content Elements can have a EditorPreview.html and Frontend.html file. The backend translations are put inside Source/Language/Labels.xlf.


The heart of a Content Block is the EditorInterface.yaml file. This YAML file defines both the available fields and the structure:

name: vendor/content-block-name
  - identifier: header
    useExistingField: true
  - identifier: my_text_field
    type: Text
    max: 10

First of all, a name has to be defined. It must be unique inside your installation. It consists, similarly to composer package names, of a vendor and a package part separated by a slash. It is used to prefix new field names, new tables and record type identifiers.

Inside fields you define the structure and configuration of the necessary fields. The identifier has to be unique per Content Block.

It is possible to reuse existing fields with the flag useExistingField. This allows e.g. to use the same field header or bodytext across multiple Content Blocks with different configuration. Be aware that system fields shouldn't be reused. A list of sane reusable fields can be referenced in the documentation. Of course, own custom fields can be reused as well.

Fluid templating

The EditorPreview.html is the Fluid template for the backend preview and the Frontend.html template for the frontend. Both contain the above defined fields inside the variable data and can be directly accessed.

<cb:asset.css identifier="content-block-foo" file="Frontend.css"/>
<cb:asset.script identifier="content-block-foo" file="Frontend.js"/>
<cb:translate key="my-key"/>

My header: {data.header}
My textfield: {data.my_text_field}

Content Blocks provides its own asset ViewHelpers <cb:asset.css> and <cb:asset.script>. Required arguments are identifier, and file (relative to the "Assets" folder inside the Content Block). Be aware: the Core asset ViewHelpers won't work for Content Blocks in composer mode.

For frontend translations Content Blocks also provides its own translation ViewHelper. This can be seen as a simplified f:translate ViewHelper. The only required argument is key. The ViewHelper will automatically resolve the path to the Labels.xlf file of the current Content Block.

Further reading