Feature: #20555 - Strip empty HTML tags in HtmlParser

See forge#20555


A new functionality is introduced in the HtmlParser that allows the stripping of empty HTML tags.

It can be used in the Frontend by using the HTMLparser TypoScript configuration of stdWrap:

stdWrap {

	# If this is set all empty tags are stripped, unless a list of tags is provided below.
	HTMLparser.stripEmptyTags = 1

	# This setting can be used to filter the tags that should be stripped if they are empty.
	HTMLparser.stripEmptyTags.tags = h2, h3

It is also possible to use it in the HTMLparser_rte or HTMLparser_db in Page TSconfig:

# For rtehtmlarea we need to use the entry parser because otherwise the p tags will
# be converted to linebreaks during the RTE transformation.
RTE.default.proc.entryHTMLparser_db {
	stripEmptyTags = 1
	stripEmptyTags.tags = p

	# Since rtehtmlarea adds non breaking spaces in empty <p> tags we need to
	# tell the parser that &nbsp; should be treated as an empty string:
	stripEmptyTags.treatNonBreakingSpaceAsEmpty = 1
stdWrap {
	HTMLparser.keepNonMatchedTags = 1
	HTMLparser.stripEmptyTags = 1
	HTMLparser.stripEmptyTags.tags = h2, h3


If the configuration is not set, the HtmlParser behaves like before so there is no impact to existing systems (unless they already have used the stripEmptyTags setting for whatever reason).