When a data type is set to "type /stdWrap" it means that the value is parsed through the stdWrap function with the properties of the value as parameters.
Table of contents
Content-supplying properties of stdWrap
stdWrap contains properties which determine what is applied. The properties are listed below.
The properties are parsed in the listed order. The
properties data
, field
, current
, c
(in that order!) are special as they are used to import content
from variables or arrays.
If you want to study this further please refer to
EXT:frontend/Classes/ContentObject/ContentObjectRenderer.php (GitHub),
where you will find the function std
and the array $std
which represents the exact order of execution.
Note that the std
property "orderedStdWrap" allows you to execute
multiple std
functions in a freely selectable order.
The above example could be rewritten to this:
10 = TEXT
10.value = some text = upper
10.stdWrap.field = header
Now the line 10.
is obsolete, because the whole
value is "imported" from the field called "header" from the
Properties for getting data
Comma-separated list of cache tags, which should be added to the page cache.
ExamplesaddPageCacheTags = pagetag1,pagetag2,pagetag3
Copied!This will add the tags "pagetag1", "pagetag2" and "pagetag3" to the according cached pages in cache_pages.
Pages, which have been cached with a tag, can be deleted from cache again with the TSconfig option TCEMAIN.clearCacheCmd.
- Type
- Array of language keys / stdWrap
This is used to define optional language specific values based on the current site language.
Examplespage.10 = TEXT page.10.value = I am a Berliner! = Ich bin ein Berliner!
Copied!Output will be "Ich bin..." instead of "I am..."
- Type
- Data / getText / stdWrap
- Type
- Field name / stdWrap
Sets the content to the value of the according field (which comes from
).Obj->data [*field*] Note
changes depending on the context. See the description for the data type "Data / getText"/field!Obj->data Examplespage.10.field = title
Copied!This sets the content to the value of the field "title".
You can also check multiple field names, if you divide them by "//".
page.10.field = nav_title // title
Copied!Here the content from the field nav_title will be returned unless it is a blank string. If a blank string, the value of the title field is returned.
Loads content from a content object.
- Type
- function name
Calls the provided PHP function. If you specify the name with a '->' in it, then it is interpreted as a call to a method in a class.
Two parameters are sent to the PHP function: As first parameter a content variable, which contains the current content. This is the value to be processed. As second parameter any sub-properties of preUserFunc are provided to the function.
Properties for overriding and conditions
If the content is null (
type in PHP), the content is overridden with the value defined here.Examplespage.10 = COA_INT page.10 { 10 = TEXT 10 { stdWrap.field = description stdWrap.ifNull = No description defined. } }
Copied!This example shows the content of the field description or, if that field contains the value
, the text "No description defined.".
Explodes the current content (Default:
) and returns the object specified bylist
.Num Possible values:
- The special keyword
is replaced with the index of the last element in the exploded content. rand
- The special keyword
is replaced with the index of a random element in the exploded content. - Calc
- After the special keywords are replaced with their according numeric values the
- 0 - last
- If the content of
can be interpreted as integer the according index of the exploded content is returned. Counting starts with 0.Num
ExamplesThis would return "item 1":
page.10 = TEXT page.10.value = item 1, item 2, item 3, item 4 page.10.listNum = 0
Copied!This would return "item 3"
page.10 = TEXT page.10.value = item 1, item 2, item 3, item 4 page.10.listNum = last – 1
- Type
- string
- Default
ExamplesSplits the content of the field
by the pipe character and returns a random elementpage.5 = COA_INT page.5 { 10 = TEXT 10 { stdWrap.field = subtitle stdWrap.listNum = rand stdWrap.listNum.splitChar = | } }
- Type
- strPad
Pads the current content to a certain length. You can define the padding characters and the side(s), on which the padding should be added.
- Type
- stdWrap
Recursive call to the
- Type
- if
If the if-object returns false, stdWrap returns "" immediately.
- Type
- Field name / stdWrap
The value in this field must be set.
Properties for parsing data
Processing instructions for the content.
If you enter a string as value, this will be taken as a reference to an object path globally in the TypoScript object tree. This will be the basis configuration for parseFunc merged with any properties you add here. It works exactly like references does for content elements.
Examplespage.10 { parseFunc = < lib.parseFunc_RTE parseFunc.tags.myTag = TEXT parseFunc.tags.myTag.value = This will be inserted when <myTag> is found! }
is enabled by default when
is invoked. This also includes the Fluid Viewhelper
, since it invokes
directly using lib.
The following example shows how to disable the sanitization behavior that is enabled by default. This is not recommended, but it can be disabled when required.
// either disable globally
lib.parseFunc.htmlSanitize = 0
lib.parseFunc_RTE.htmlSanitize = 0
// or disable individually per use case
10 = TEXT
10 {
value = <div><img src="invalid.file" onerror="alert(1)"></div>
parseFunc =< lib.parseFunc_RTE
parseFunc.htmlSanitize = 0
Since any invocation of std
triggers HTML
sanitization automatically; unless explicitly disabled
the following example causes a lot of generated markup to be sanitized and can be
solved by explicitly disabling it with html
10 {
templateRootPaths {
// ...
variables {
// ...
stdWrap.parseFunc {
// replace --- with soft-hyphen
short.--- = ­
// sanitization of ALL MARKUP is NOT DESIRED here
htmlSanitize = 0
- Type
- boolean / HTMLparser / stdWrap
This object allows you to parse the HTML-content and perform all kinds of advanced filtering on the content.
Value must be set and properties are those of HTMLparser.
(See Rich text editors (RTE) for more information about RTE transformations)
- Type
- replacement / stdWrap
Performs an ordered search/replace on the current content with the possibility of using PCRE regular expressions. An array with numeric indices defines the order of actions and thus allows multiple replacements at once.
Calculation of the value using operators -+*/%^ plus respects priority to + and - operators and parenthesis levels ().
. (period) is decimal delimiter.
Returns a doublevalue.
is set to "intval" an integer is returned.Calc There is no error checking and division by zero or other invalid values may generate strange results. Also you should use a proper syntax because future modifications to the function used may allow for more operators and features.
Examples100%7 = 2 -5*-4 = 20 +6^2 = 36 6 ^(1+1) = 36 -5*-4+6^2-100%7 = 54 -5 * (-4+6) ^ 2 - 100%7 = 98 -5 * ((-4+6) ^ 2) - 100%7 = -22
Content is set to
. This returns a one-character string containing the character specified by ascii code. Reliable results will be obtained only for character codes in the integer range 0 - 127. See the PHP manual:(*value*) $content = chr((int)$conf['char']);
Returns a hashed value of the current content. Set to one of the algorithms which are available in PHP. For a list of supported algorithms see
Examplespage.10 = TEXT page.10 { value = stdWrap.hash = md5 stdWrap.wrap = <img src="|" /> }
- Type
- numberFormat
Format a float value to any number format you need (e.g. useful for prices).
The content should be data-type "UNIX-time". Returns the content formatted as a date. See the PHP manual (datetime.format) for the format codes.
$content = date($conf['date'], $content);
.GMT: If set, the PHP function gmdate() will be used instead of date().
ExamplesRender in human readable form:
page.10 = TEXT page.10.value { # format like 2017-05-31 09:08 field = tstamp date = Y-m-d H:i }
- Type
- string
Allows conversion of formatted dates to timestamp, e.g. to perform date calculations.
Possible values are
or any time string valid as first argument of the PHPstrtotime
function.() Exampleslib.date_as_timestamp = TEXT lib.date_as_timestamp { value = 2015-04-15 strtotime = 1 }
Copied!lib.next_weekday = TEXT lib.next_weekday { data = GP:selected_date strtotime = + 2 weekdays strftime = %Y-%m-%d }
- Type
- / stdWrap
Very similar to "date", but using a different format. See the PHP manual (strftime) for the format codes.
This formatting is useful if the locale is set in advance in the CONFIG object. See there.
- .charset
- Can be set to the charset of the output string if you need to
convert it to UTF-8. Default is to take the intelligently guessed
charset from
.CMS\ Core\ Charset\ Charset Converter - .GMT
- If set, the PHP function gmstrftime() will be used instead of strftime().
- Type
- string
The function renders date and time based on formats/patterns defined by the International Components for Unicode standard (ICU). ICU-based date and time formatting is much more flexible in rendering as or , as it ships with default patterns for date and time based on the given locale (given examples for locale
and timezoneUS America/
):Los_ Angeles FULL
, for example:Friday, March 17, 2023 at 3:
00: 00 AM Pacific Daylight Time LONG
, for example:March 17, 2023 at 3:
, for example:Mar 17, 2023, 3:
00: 00 AM SHORT
, for example:3/
17/ 23, 3: 00 AM
TYPO3 also adds prepared custom patterns:
, for example:Friday, March 17, 2023
, for example:3:
00: 00 AM Pacific Daylight Time LONGDATE
, for example:March 17, 2023
, for example:3:
, for example:Mar 17, 2023
, for example:3:
, for example:3/
, for example:3:
00 AM
You can specify an own pattern to suit your requirements, for example:
qqqq, yyyy
will result in1st quarter, 2023
. Have a look into the available options.The locale is typically fetched from the locale setting in the site configuration.
- .locale
- A locale other than the locale of the site language.
Example: Full German output from a date/time valuelib.my_formatted_date = TEXT lib.my_formatted_date { value = 2023-03-17 3:00:00 formattedDate = FULL # Optional, if a different locale is wanted other than the site language's locale formattedDate.locale = de-DE }
Copied!will result in "Freitag, 17. März 2023 um 03:00:00 Nordamerikanische Westküsten-Sommerzeit".
Example: Full French output from a relative date valuelib.my_formatted_date = TEXT lib.my_formatted_date { value = -5 days formattedDate = FULL formattedDate.locale = fr-FR }
Copied!will result in "dimanche 12 mars 2023 à 11:16:44 heure d’été du Pacifique".
Example: Custom format from a timestamplib.my_formatted_date = TEXT lib.my_formatted_date { value = 1679022000 formattedDate = Y-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ }
Copied!will return the date in the ISO 8601 format: "2023-03-17T03:00:00+00:00"
The timezone will be taken from the setting
in yourtimezone php.
If enabled with a "1" (number, integer) the content is seen as a date (UNIX-time) and the difference from present time and the content-time is returned as one of these eight variations:
"xx min" or "xx hrs" or "xx days" or "xx yrs" or "xx min" or "xx hour" or "xx day" or "year"
The limits between which layout is used are 60 minutes, 24 hours and 365 days.
If you set this property with a non-integer, it is used to format the eight units. The first four values are the plural values and the last four are singular. This is the default string:
min| hrs| days| yrs| min| hour| day| year
Copied!Set another string if you want to change the units. You may include the "-signs. They are removed anyway, but they make sure that a space which you might want between the number and the unit stays.
Exampleslib.ageFormat = TEXT = page:tstamp lib.ageFormat.stdWrap.age = " Minuten | Stunden | Tage | Jahre | Minute | Stunde | Tag | Jahr"
- Type
- string / stdWrap
Converts case
Uses "UTF-8" for the operation.
Possible values:Value Effect upper
Convert all letters of the string to upper case lower
Convert all letters of the string to lower case capitalize
Uppercase the first character of each word in the string ucfirst
Convert the first letter of the string to upper case lcfirst
Convert the first letter of the string to lower case uppercamelcase
Convert underscored upper_
tocamel_ case Upper
Camel Case lowercamelcase
Convert underscored lower_
tocamel_ case lower
Camel Case ExampleCode:
10 = TEXT 10.value = Hello world! = upper
This is for number values. When the 'bytes' property is added and set to 'true' then a number will be formatted in 'bytes' style with two decimals like '1.53 KiB' or '1.00 MiB'. Learn about common notations at Wikipedia "Kibibyte". IEC naming with base 1024 is the default. Use sub-properties for customisation.
- .labels = iec
- This is the default. IEC labels and base 1024 are used.
Built in IEC labels are
. You need to append a final string like 'B' or '-Bytes' yourself.| Ki | Mi | Gi | Ti | Pi | Ei | Zi | Yi" - .labels = si
- In this case SI labels and base 1000 are used.
Built in IEC labels are
. You need to append a final string like 'B' yourself.| k | M | G | T | P | E | Z | Y" - .labels = "..."
- Custom values can be defined as well like with
.labels = " Byte
. Use a vertical bar to separate the labels. Enclose the whole string in double quotes.| Kilobyte | Megabyte | Gigabyte" - .base = 1000
- Only with custom labels you can choose to set a base of1000. All other values, including the default, mean base 1024.
If the value isn't a number the internal PHP function may issue a warning which - depending on you error handling settings - can interrupt execution. Example:
page.10 { value = abc bytes = 1 } will show `0` but may raise a warning or an exception.
Copied!ExamplesOutput value 1000 without special formatting. Shows
:page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10 { value = 1000 }
Copied!Format value 1000 in IEC style with base=1024. Shows
:98 Ki page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10 { value = 1000 bytes = 1 }
Copied!Format value 1000 in IEC style with base=1024 and 'B' supplied by us. Shows
:98 Ki B page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10 { value = 1000 bytes = 1 noTrimWrap = ||B| }
Copied!Format value 1000 in SI style with base=1000. Shows
:00 k page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10 { value = 1000 bytes = 1 bytes.labels = si }
Copied!Format value 1000 in SI style with base=1000 and 'b' supplied by us. Shows
:00 kb page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10 { value = 1000 bytes = 1 bytes.labels = si noTrimWrap = ||b| }
Copied!Format value 1000 with custom label and base=1000. Shows
:00 x 1000 Bytes page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10 { value = 1000 bytes = 1 bytes.labels = " x 1 Byte| x 1000 Bytes" bytes.base = 1000 }
Copied!Format value 1000 with custom label and base=1000. Shows
:00 kilobyte (k B) page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10 { value = 1000 bytes = 1 bytes.labels = " byte (B)| kilobyte (kB)| megabyte (MB)| gigabyte (GB)| terabyte (TB)| petabyte (PB)| exabyte (EB)| zettabyte (ZB)| yottabyte YB" bytes.base = 1000 }
Copied!Format value 1000 with custom label and base=1024. Shows
:98 kibibyte (Ki B) page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10 { value = 1000 bytes = 1 bytes.labels = " byte (B)| kibibyte (KiB)| mebibyte (MiB)| gibibyte (GiB)| tebibyte (TiB)| pepibyte (PiB)| exbibyte (EiB)| zebibyte (ZiB)| yobibyte YiB" bytes.base = 1024 }
Crops the content to a certain length. In contrast to
it respects HTML tags. It does not crop inside tags and closes open tags. Entities (like ">") are counted as one char. SeeWrap. crop std
below for a syntax description and examples.Wrap. crop Note that
should not be used ifWrap. crop std
is already used.Wrap. crop HTML
Crops the content to a certain length.
You can define up to three parameters, of which the third one is optional. The syntax is: [numbers of characters to keep] | [ellipsis] | [keep whole words]
numbers of characters to keep (integer): Define the number of characters you want to keep. For positive numbers, the first characters from the beginning of the string will be kept, for negative numbers the last characters from the end will be kept.
ellipsis (string): The signs to be added instead of the part, which was cropped of. If the number of characters was positive, the string will be prepended with the ellipsis, if it was negative, the string will be appended with the ellipsis.
keep whole words (boolean): If set to 0 (default), the string is always cropped directly after the defined number of characters. If set to 1, only complete words are kept. Then a word, which would normally be cut in the middle, is removed completely.
=> max 20 characters. If more, the value will be truncated to the first 20 characters and prepended with "..."| ... -20
=> max 20 characters. If more, the value will be truncated to the last 20 characters and appended with "..."| ... 20
=> max 20 characters. If more, the value will be truncated to the first 20 characters and prepended with "...". If the division is in the middle of a word, the remains of that word is removed.| ... | 1 Uses "UTF-8" for the operation.
Passes the content through the PHP function rawurlencode().
Passes the content through the PHP function htmlspecialchars().
Additional property
will preserve entities so only non-entity characters are affected.Entities
Encodes content to be used safely inside strings in JavaScript. Characters, which can cause problems inside JavaScript strings, are replaced with their encoded equivalents. The resulting string is already quoted with single quotes.
Passes the content through the core function
.CMS\ Core\ Utility\ General Utility:: quote JSvalue () Examples10 = TEXT 10.stdWrap { data = GP:sWord encodeForJavaScriptValue = 1 wrap = setSearchWord(|); }
- Type
- encapsLines / stdWrap
Lets you split the content by
and process each line independently. Used to format content made with the RTE.(10)
Properties for wrapping data
- Type
- string / stdWrap
- Allowed values
Wraps content with
<div style=text-
if align is set.align: [*value*];"> | </ div>
- Type
- "special" wrap /+.splitChar / stdWrap
This wraps the content without trimming the values. That means that surrounding whitespaces stay included! Note that this kind of wrap does not only need a special character in the middle, but that it also needs the same special character to begin and end the wrap (default for all three is "|").
Additional property:
Char Can be set to define an alternative special character.
is available. Default is "|" - the vertical line. This sub-property is useful in cases when the default special character would be recognized by optionSplit (which takes precedence overWrap no
).Trim Wrap Examplespage.10.noTrimWrap = | val1 | val2 |
Copied!In this example the content with the values val1 and val2 will be wrapped; including the whitespaces.
Examplespage.10 { noTrimWrap = ^ val1 ^ val2 ^ || ^ val3 ^ val4 ^ noTrimWrap.splitChar = ^ }
Copied!optionSplit will use the "||" to have two subparts in the first part. In each subpart
will then use the "^" as special character.Trim Wrap
- Type
- mixed / stdWrap
The content is parsed for pairs of curly braces. The content of the curly braces is of the type Data / getText and is substituted with the result of Data / getText.
Examplespage.10.dataWrap = <div id="{tsfe : id}"> | </div>
Copied!This will produce a
tag around the content with an id attribute that contains the number of the current page.
- Type
- Array of numeric keys with / stdWrap each
Execute multiple
statements in a freely selectable order. The order is determined by the numeric order of the keys. This allows to use multiple stdWrap statements without having to remember the rather complex sorting order in which theWrap std
functions are executed.Wrap Examples10 = TEXT 10.value = a 10.stdWrap.orderedStdWrap { 30.wrap = |. 10.wrap = is | working 10.innerWrap = | 20.wrap = This|solution 20.stdWrap.wrap = | }
Copied!In this example orderedStdWrap is executed on the value "a".
is executed first, followed byinner Wrap 10.
. Then the next key is processed which is 20. Afterwardswrap 30.
is executed on what already was created.wrap This results in "This is a working solution."
If set, then the content string is parsed like
above.Wrap ExamplesDisplays the page title:
10 = TEXT 10.value = This is the page title: {page:title} 10.stdWrap.insertData = 1 # TEXT is already stdWrapable, so we can also use insertData right away 20 = TEXT 20.value = <link rel="preload" href="{path : EXT:site/Resources/Public/Fonts/Roboto.woff2}" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin="anonymous"> 20.insertData = 1
Never use this on content that can be edited in the backend. This allows editors to disclose normally hidden information. Never use this to insert data into wraps. Use instead.
- Type
- function name
Calls the provided PHP function. If you specify the name with a '->' in it, then it is interpreted as a call to a method in a class.
Two parameters are sent to the PHP function: As first parameter a content variable, which contains the current content. This is the value to be processed. As second parameter any sub-properties of
are provided to the function.User Func The description of the
USER contains some more in-depth information.Object ExamplesYou can paste this example directly into a new template record:
page = PAGE page.typeNum = 0 page.10 = TEXT page.10 { value = Hello World! stdWrap.postUserFunc = MyVendor\SitePackage\UserFunctions\YourClass->reverseString stdWrap.postUserFunc.uppercase = 1 } page.20 = TEXT page.20 { value = Hello World! stdWrap.postUserFunc = MyVendor\SitePackage\UserFunctions\YourClass->reverseString stdWrap.postUserFunc.uppercase = 1 stdWrap.postUserFunc.typolink = 11 }
Your methods will get the parameters
(in that order) and need to return a string.<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace MyVendor\SitePackage\UserFunctions; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface; use TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer; final class YourClass { /* * Reference to the parent (calling) cObject set from TypoScript */ private ContentObjectRenderer $cObj; public function setContentObjectRenderer( ContentObjectRenderer $cObj, ): void { $this->cObj = $cObj; } /** * Custom method for data processing. Also demonstrates * how this gives us the ability to use methods in the * parent object. * * @param string $content holds the value to be processed. * @param array $conf TypoScript properties passed to this method. */ public function reverseString( string $content, array $conf, ServerRequestInterface $request, ): string { $content = strrev($content); if (isset($conf['uppercase']) && $conf['uppercase'] === '1') { // Use the method caseshift() from ContentObjectRenderer $content = $this->cObj->caseshift($content, 'upper'); } if (isset($conf['typolink'])) { // Use the method typoLink() from ContentObjectRenderer $content = $this->cObj ->typoLink($content, ['parameter' => $conf['typolink']]); } return $content; } }
the content, which is present when10 post
is executed, will be given to the PHP functionUser Func reverse
. The result will beString () !DLROW OLLEH
.The content of
will be processed by the function20 reverse
from the classString () Your
. This also returns the textClass !DLROW OLLEH
, but wrapped into a link to the page with the ID 11. The result will be<a href="/
.path/ to/ page/ id/ 11">!DLROW OLLEH</ a> Note how in the second example
, the reference to the callingObj c
, is utilised to use functions fromObject Content
class!Object Renderer
- Type
- function name
Calls the provided PHP function. If you specify the name with a '->' in it, then it is interpreted as a call to a method in a class.
Two parameters are sent to the PHP function: As first parameter a content variable, which contains the current content. This is the value to be processed. As second parameter any sub-properties of postUserFuncInt are provided to the function.
The result will be rendered non-cached, outside the main page-rendering. Please see the description of the
USER_INT.Object Supplied by Jens Ellerbrock
Prefixes content with an HTML comment with the second part of input string (divided by "|") where first part is an integer telling how many trailing tabs to put before the comment on a new line.
The content is parsed through .
ExamplesprefixComment = 2 | CONTENT ELEMENT, uid:{field:uid}/{field:CType}
Copied!Will indent the comment with 1 tab (and the next line with 2+1 tabs)
Properties for sanitizing and caching data
- Type
- boolean / array with key "build"
The property controls the sanitization and removal of XSS from markup. It strips tags, attributes and values that are not explicitly allowed.
: whether to invoke sanitization (enabled per default when invoked viaSanitize = [boolean] std
).Wrap. parse Func html
: defines which specific builder (must be an instance ofSanitize. build = [string] \TYPO3\
) to be used for building aHtml Sanitizer\ Builder\ Builder Interface \TYPO3\
instance using a particularHtml Sanitizer\ Sanitizer \TYPO3\
. This can either be a fully qualified class name or the name of a preset as defined inHtml Sanitizer\ Behavior $GLOBALS
- per default,['TYPO3_ CONF_ VARS'] ['SYS'] ['html Sanitizer'] \TYPO3\
is used.CMS\ Core\ Html\ Default Sanitizer Builder
Examples10 = TEXT 10 { value = <div><img src="invalid.file" onerror="alert(1)"></div> htmlSanitize = 1 }
Copied!will result in the following output:
<div><img src="invalid.file"></div>
Copied!The following code is equivalent to above, but with a builder specified:
10 = TEXT 10 { value = <div><img src="invalid.file" onerror="alert(1)"></div> htmlSanitize = 1 // Use either "default" for the default builder = default // or use the full class name of the default builder // = TYPO3\CMS\Core\Html\DefaultSanitizerBuilder }
- Type
- cache
Caches rendered content in the caching framework.
Properties for debugging data
Only for debugging during development, otherwise output can break.
Only for debugging during development, otherwise output can break.
Only for debugging during development, otherwise output can break.
Example with the property "value" of the content object "TEXT":
10 = TEXT
10.value = some text = upper
Here the content of the object "10" is upper-cased before it is returned.