Redirect Modes
The following redirect options are supported.
Defined by Usergroup Record
Within a Website usergroup record, you can specify a page where usergroup members will be redirected after login.
Defined by User Record
This is identical to the redirection option for "defined by Usergroup Record" but applies to a single website user instead of an entire user group.
After Login (TS or Flexform)
This redirect page is set either in TypoScript
) or in the
FlexForm of the felogin plugin.
After Logout (TS or Flexform)
Defines the redirect page after a user has logged out. Again, it can be set in TypoScript or in the felogin plugin's FlexForm.
After Login Error (TS of Flexform)
Defines the redirect page after a login error occurs. Can be set in TypoScript or in the felogin plugin's FlexForm.
Defined by GET/POST Parameters
Redirect the visitor based on the GET/POST parameters redirect_
If the TypoScript configuration
is set, the GET/POST
parameter redirect_
is used.
Example url:
Defined by Referrer
The referrer page is used for the redirect. This basically means that the user is sent back to the page he originally came from.
Defined by Domain entries
Same as Defined by Referrer, except that only the domains listed in
are allowed. If someone is sent to the
login page coming from a domain which is not listed, the redirect will
not happen.
By using the option Use First Supported Mode from Selection you can define several fallback methods.