
The redirects extension requires no extra configuration once it is installed. However, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the settings and commands outlined in this page. Depending on your site and how editing is handled, changes in the configuration and regular maintenance may be required.

Site configuration

The core comes with the following site settings for redirects which can be adjusted in the file config/sites/<site>/config.yaml for each site.

The following settings apply to automatically created redirects.

TYPO3 comes with working defaults. It is not necessary to add the settings section if you use the defaults.

     # Automatically update slugs of all sub pages
     # (default: true)
     autoUpdateSlugs: true
     # Automatically create redirects for pages with a new slug (works only in LIVE workspace)
     # (default: true)
     autoCreateRedirects: true
     # Time To Live in days for redirect records to be created - `0` disables TTL, no expiration
     # (default: 0)
     redirectTTL: 0
     # HTTP status code for automatically created redirects, see
     # (default: 307)
     httpStatusCode: 307

The httpStatusCode does not affect the default status code for manually created redirects. This can be adjusted via TCA $GLOBALS['TCA']['sys_redirect']['columns']['target_statuscode']['config']['default'].

Changed in version 12.1

Since TYPO3 v12.1, automatically created redirect records are stored on the configured root page ID of the site. Previously, they were initially stored on the top root page or later on the changed page.

Console commands

As for commands in general, it is possible to execute them via the command line or via the TYPO3 scheduler in the backend. Please see the general information about this in "TYPO3 Explained" > Run a command from the command line.

We explain executing the commands from the command line here, it is recommended to automate regular execution, e.g. via cron.


The CLI command redirects:cleanup can be used to periodically cleanup existing redirects under given conditions.

Use -h to see all options:

vendor/bin/typo3 redirects:cleanup -h
typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 redirects:cleanup -h

Example 1: Remove all redirects with less than 50 hits and older than 30 days.

vendor/bin/typo3 redirects:cleanup -c 50 -a 30
typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 redirects:cleanup -c 50 -a 30

Example 2: Clean all redirects for domains and older than 90 days and with hit counter less than 100 which start with the source path /foo/bar and have a status code of 302 or 303.

vendor/bin/typo3 redirects:cleanup --domain --domain \
--age 90 --hitCount 100 --path "/foo/bar%" --statusCode 302 --statusCode 303
typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 redirects:cleanup redirects:cleanup --domain --domain \
--age 90 --hitCount 100 --path "/foo/bar%" --statusCode 302 --statusCode 303


The checkintegrity command checks existing redirects for conflicts. A typical conflict may be a redirect loop. In this case the source and target point to the same page or the redirect loop affects a number of redirects, each redirecting to the next and looping back to the first, e.g. /a => b, /b => /a.

Example usage to check all sites:

vendor/bin/typo3 redirects:checkintegrity
typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 redirects:checkintegrity

Check only the site mysite:

vendor/bin/typo3 redirects:checkintegrity mysite
typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 redirects:checkintegrity mysite

This will output one line per redirect conflict. The output may look like this:

Redirect (Host: *, Path: /test-1) conflicts with http://mysite/test-1

You can now search for the affected redirects in the redirects module, e.g. by filtering with Source Path /test-1.

Configure editor permission

By default, editors (without admin privileges) cannot access redirects directly and they cannot revert automatic redirects. This can be problematic, because the notification with the option to revert redirects and the notification that they were reverted appears regardless, even if an editor does not have access and the redirects are not reverted.

In order to make reverting redirects possible for non-admin backend users, configure this in the backend group Access Lists tab:

  • Activate Redirect [sys_redirect] in Tables (listing)
  • Activate Redirect [sys_redirect] in Tables (modify)

In order to give editors full access to the redirects module, give them access to the sys_redirect table as outlined above and configure this in the backend group Access Lists tab:

  • Activate Site Management>Redirects [site_redirects] in Modules.

By default the fields Source Domain, Source Path and Target are enabled, the rest are excluded fields, which must be enabled for the respective backend user group in the Access Lists tab > Allowed excludefields > Redirect.

Allowed excludefields

Hit counter

The hit counter can be activated via Feature Toggle, either in the backend in Settings > Feature Toggles > Redirects: hit count or in the configuration file system/settings.php or system/additional.php.

'SYS' => [
    'features' => [
        'redirects.hitCount' => true

This feature toggle is disabled by default, because it comes with a small performance impact that requires additional SQL UPDATE queries.

Every time a page is accessed the hit counter will be incremented. Based on the hit counter, a delete policy for unnecessary redirects can be defined.

Visit the redirects:cleanup with the option -c for more information.

System reports

The redirect conflicts will also be shown in the system report, available via Reports > Status Report in the TYPO3 backend.

It is required to run redirects:checkintegrity regularly, so that the results can be displayed in the report. The information is stored in the registry (sys_registry table in the database).

Redirect conflicts in system report

In case redirects:checkintegrity was not run within the last 24 hours an additional informational status will appear in the report:

This can be configured in the extension configuration with these 2 settings:

Extension configuration


Show information in reports if checkintegrity was not run.


Show informational status in the reports if redirects:checkintegrity was not run within the last 24 hours, or rather the number of seconds indicated in the setting showCheckIntegrityInfoInReportsSeconds.

Number of seconds to consider last checkintegrity report.



86400 (is 24 hours in seconds)

Number of seconds which must pass until the informational message is shown about checkintegrity in the reports.