Guidelines for creating images

When embedding images with reST, please add a shadow, as described in Images.

There are various kinds of images used in the documentation. The most common are:

  1. Screenshots
  2. Screenshots, augmented with graphic elements, the most common being arrows, texts, boxes and numbers to highlight parts of the screenshot, add extra explanation etc., with the intention of making the image more useful for the reader
  3. Diagrams, such as UML diagrams

General guidelines

Texts & fonts

  • When using fonts, please use recommended: Primary font: "Source Sans Pro", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif;. You can download "Source Sance Pro" as TTF files: Assets, path: 00 - Assets/Fonts/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf
  • If you use text in an SVG, make sure it can be displayed on systems that have not installed the used font. There are a number of ways to do this. If in doubt, ask for help or save the image as bitmap (.png). However, if SVG is used, the image can be scaled better.
  • In any case, you should be safe with using a commonly supported font like Helvetica or Arial. Remember, the Web Style Guide proposes Source Sans Pro, Helvetica, Arial.

Image formats

  • It is recommended to use PNG for bitmaps (for example screenshots, photographs) and SVG for vector graphics images. In any case, you can use .png.

Guidelines for screenshots

  • use PNG format (.png file ending)
  • Do not use huge full screen screenshots (except in some cases where it makes sense, for example when describing the various parts of the backend). Select a portion of a screen that will reflect what you are trying to show. To save yourself hassle, use a screenshot tool which can create a screenshot of a portion of a screen.

Here are some examples for screenshots.

.. image:: images/github-getting-started-raw.png
   :class: with-shadow
   :scale: 70

How it looks:

Another example:

You may however notice, that it might be helpful to point out some relevant part of the screenshots. That is what we do by creating images as described in the next section.

Guidelines for screenshots with graphics elements

You will often see a screenshot where additional graphic elements have been added in the documentation. These additional graphic elements may be boxes, numbers or arrows. Up until, we did not have guidelines for this, so you may see various shapes in different colors.

To get the icons

Either download the zipfile and extract it. You can find the download link on,

Or clone the repository:

git clone

The icons will be in images/final/icons.

Follow these guidelines

  • Icons are used for numbers and arrows. The size of the icons should not be changed.
  • Simple frames are TYPO3 Orange (#F49700) and have a line thickness of 2 px and a corner radius of 2 px.
  • Text fields are TYPO3 Orange (#F49700) and have a corner radius of 2 px.
  • Dividing surfaces have a 2px frame in TYPO3 Orange (#F49700) with a corner radius of 2 px.
  • Icon shadows have an

    • horizontal offset of 4 px
    • vertical offset of 4 px
    • blur radius of 10 px
    • spread radius of 0 px
    • color of RGBA (0, 0, 0, 0.3)


PNG Image with rectangles and numbers

SVG image with rectangles and numbers

Image with arrow

SVG Image with arrow