

This option can be used to group records in the new record wizard. If you define a new table and set its "groupName" to the key of another extension, the table will appear in the list of records from that other extension in the new record wizard.

We really appreciate you setting the ctrl property title to a localized value (LLL:EXT:), otherwise it may happen that TYPO3 cannot extract the correct extension key from your table name, resulting in wrong icons in list of new record wizard. This only happens if your extension key contains underscores _, but the second part of your table name does not. For example: If your extension key is my_extension the table names will normally start with tx_myextension. Since myextension does not match the real extension key my_extension, the icon of your extension cannot be retrieved from your extension. Instead of a localized title, you can also set groupName to your real extension key: my_extension.