
TYPO3 v10 has reached end-of-life as of April 30th 2023 and is no longer being maintained. Use the version switcher on the top left of this page to select documentation for a supported version of TYPO3.

Need more time before upgrading? You can purchase Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) for TYPO3 v10 here: TYPO3 ELTS.


dataProcessing is a property of FLUIDTEMPLATE.


| Data type: array of class references by full namespace |

Add one or multiple processors to manipulate the $data variable of the currently rendered content object, like tt_content or page. The sub- property options can be used to pass parameters to the processor class.

There are several DataProcessors available to allow flexible processing e.g. for comma-separated values.


The CommaSeparatedValueProcessor allows to split values into a two- dimensional array used for CSV files or tt_content records of CType "table".

Using the CommaSeparatedValueProcessor the following scenario is possible:

page {
   10 {
      file = EXT:site_default/Resources/Private/Template/Default.html
      dataProcessing.4 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\CommaSeparatedValueProcessor
      dataProcessing.4 {
         if.isTrue.field = bodytext
         fieldName = bodytext
         fieldDelimiter = |
         fieldEnclosure =
         maximumColumns = 2
         as = table

In the Fluid template then iterate over the processed data:

   <f:for each="{table}" as="columns">
         <f:for each="{columns}" as="column">


The DatabaseQueryProcessor works like the code from the Content Object CONTENT, except for just handing over the result as array. A FLUIDTEMPLATE can then simply iterate over processed data automatically.

Using the DatabaseQueryProcessor the following scenario is possible:

tt_content.mycontent.20 = FLUIDTEMPLATE
tt_content.mycontent.20 {
   file = EXT:site_default/Resources/Private/Templates/ContentObjects/MyContent.html

   dataProcessing.10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor
   dataProcessing.10 {
      # regular if syntax
      if.isTrue.field = records

      # the table name from which the data is fetched from
      # + stdWrap
      table = tt_address

      # All properties from .select :ref:`select` can be used directly
      # + stdWrap
      orderBy = sorting
      pidInList = 13,14

      # The target variable to be handed to the ContentObject again, can
      # be used in Fluid e.g. to iterate over the objects. defaults to
      # "records" when not defined
      # + stdWrap
      as = myrecords

      # The fetched records can also be processed by DataProcessors.
      # All configured processors are applied to every row of the result.
      dataProcessing {
         10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor
         10 {
            references.fieldName = image

In the Fluid template then iterate over the files:

<f:for each="{myrecords}" as="record">
      <f:image image="{record.files.0}" />
      <a href="{}">{} {}</a>


The FilesProcessor resolves file references, files, or files inside a folder or collection to be used for output in the frontend. A FLUIDTEMPLATE can then simply iterate over processed data automatically.

Using the FilesProcessor the following scenario is possible:

tt_content.image.20 = FLUIDTEMPLATE
tt_content.image.20 {
   file = EXT:site_default/Resources/Private/Templates/ContentObjects/Image.html

   dataProcessing.10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor
   dataProcessing.10 {
      # the field name where relations are set
      # + stdWrap
      references.fieldName = image

      # the table name where relations are put, defaults to the currently
      # selected record from $cObj->getTable()
      # + stdWrap
      references.table = tt_content

      # A list of sys_file UID records
      # + stdWrap
      files = 21,42

      # A list of File Collection UID records
      # + stdWrap
      collections = 13,14

      # A list of FAL Folder identifiers and files fetched recursive from
      # all folders
      # + stdWrap
      folders = 1:introduction/images/,1:introduction/posters/
      folders.recursive = 1

      # Property of which the files should be sorted after they have been
      # accumulated
      # can be any property of sys_file, sys_file_metadata
      # + stdWrap
      sorting = description

      # Can be "ascending", "descending" or "random", defaults to
      # "ascending" if none given
      # + stdWrap
      sorting.direction = descending

      # The target variable to be handed to the ContentObject again, can
      # be used in Fluid e.g. to iterate over the objects. defaults to
      # "files" when not defined
      # + stdWrap
      as = myfiles

In the Fluid template then iterate over the files:

   <f:for each="{myfiles}" as="file">
      <li><a href="{file.publicUrl}">{}</a></li>

Example: use stdWrap property on references

New in version 10.3: stdWrap properties added to the FilesProcessor.

The following example implements a slide-functionality on rootline for file resources:

page.10.dataProcessing {
   10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor
   10 { = levelmedia: -1, slide
      as = myfiles

The FilesProcessor can slide up the rootline to collect images for FLUID templates. One usual feature is to use images attached to pages and use them down the page tree for header images in the frontend.


The GalleryProcessor provides the logic for working with galleries and calculates the maximum asset size. It uses the files already present in the processedData array for his calculations. The FilesProcessor can be used to fetch the files.

Using the GalleryProcessor the following scenario is possible:

tt_content.textmedia.20 = FLUIDTEMPLATE
tt_content.textmedia.20 {
   file = EXT:site_default/Resources/Private/Templates/ContentObjects/Image.html

   dataProcessing {
      # Process files
      10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor

      # Calculate gallery info
      20 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\GalleryProcessor
      20 {
         # filesProcessedDataKey :: Key in processedData array that holds
         # the files (default: files) + stdWrap
         filesProcessedDataKey = files

         # mediaOrientation :: Media orientation, see:
         # TCA[tt_content][column][imageorient] (default: data.imageorient) + stdWrap
         mediaOrientation.field = imageorient

         # numberOfColumns :: Number of columns (default: data.imagecols) + stdWrap
         numberOfColumns.field = imagecols

         # equalMediaHeight :: Equal media height in pixels (default: data.imageheight) + stdWrap
         equalMediaHeight.field = imageheight

         # equalMediaWidth :: Equal media width in pixels (default: data.imagewidth) + stdWrap
         equalMediaWidth.field = imagewidth

         # maxGalleryWidth :: Max gallery width in pixels (default: 600) + stdWrap
         maxGalleryWidth = 1000

         # maxGalleryWidthInText :: Max gallery width in pixels when
         # orientation intext (default: 300) + stdWrap
         maxGalleryWidthInText = 1000

         # columnSpacing :: Column spacing width in pixels (default: 0) + stdWrap
         columnSpacing = 0

         # borderEnabled :: Border enabled (default: data.imageborder) + stdWrap
         borderEnabled.field = imageborder

         # borderWidth :: Border width in pixels (default: 0) + stdWrap
         borderWidth = 0

         # borderPadding :: Border padding in pixels  (default: 0) + stdWrap
         borderPadding = 10

         # as :: Name of key in processedData array where result is
         # placed (default: gallery) + stdWrap
         as = gallery

Content of the basic Fluid template of the gallery (rendering of the gallery will be done in partial MediaGallery):

<f:if condition="{gallery.position.noWrap} != 1">
   <f:render partial="Header" arguments="{_all}" />

<div class="ce-textpic ce-{gallery.position.horizontal}
     ce-{gallery.position.vertical}{f:if(condition: '{gallery.position.noWrap}',
     then: ' ce-nowrap')}">

   <f:if condition="{gallery.position.vertical} != 'below'">
      <f:render partial="MediaGallery" arguments="{_all}" />
   <div class="ce-bodytext">
      <f:if condition="{gallery.position.noWrap}">
         <f:render partial="Header" arguments="{_all}" />
   <f:if condition="{gallery.position.vertical} == 'below'">
      <f:render partial="MediaGallery" arguments="{_all}" />

Content of partial MediaGallery.html:

<f:if condition="{gallery.rows}">
   <div class="ce-gallery{f:if(condition: '{data.imageborder}',
        then: ' ce-border')}" data-ce-columns="{gallery.count.columns}"
      <f:if condition="{gallery.position.horizontal} == 'center'">
         <div class="ce-outer">
            <div class="ce-inner">
      <f:for each="{gallery.rows}" as="row">
         <div class="ce-row">
            <f:for each="{row.columns}" as="column">
               <f:if condition="{}">
                  <div class="ce-column">
                     <f:if condition="{}">
                           <div class="ce-media">
                     <f:if condition="{} == 2">
                        <f:render section="imageType" arguments="{_all}" />
                     <f:if condition="{} == 4">
                        <f:render section="videoType" arguments="{_all}" />

                     <f:if condition="{}">
      <f:if condition="{gallery.position.horizontal} == 'center'">

<f:section name="imageType">
   <f:if condition="{}">
         <f:link.typolink parameter="{}">
            <f:render section="media" arguments="{_all}" />
         <f:if condition="{data.image_zoom}">
               <ce:link.clickEnlarge image="{}"
                  <f:render section="media" arguments="{_all}" />
               <f:render section="media" arguments="{_all}" />

<f:section name="videoType">
   <f:render section="media" arguments="{_all}" />

<f:section name="media">


The LanguageMenuProcessor utilizes HMENU to generate a JSON encoded menu string based on the site language configuration that will be decoded again and assigned to FLUIDTEMPLATE as variable.



TypoScript if condition


A list of comma separated language IDs (e.g. 0,1,2) to use for the menu creation or auto to load from site languages


The variable to be used within the result

Using the LanguageMenuProcessor the following scenario is possible:

10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\LanguageMenuProcessor
10 {
   languages = auto
   as = languageNavigation

This generated menu can be used in Fluid like this:

<f:if condition="{languageNavigation}">
   <ul id="language" class="language-menu">
      <f:for each="{languageNavigation}" as="item">
         <li class="{f:if(condition:, then: 'active')}
                    {f:if(condition: item.available, else: ' text-muted')}">
            <f:if condition="{item.available}">
                  <a href="{}" hreflang="{item.hreflang}"


The SiteProcessor fetches data from the site entity.



The variable to be used within the result

Using the SiteProcessor the following scenario is possible:

10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\SiteProcessor
10 {
   as = site

In the Fluid template the properties of the site entity can be accessed:



The SplitProcessor allows to split values separated with a delimiter inside a single database field into an array to loop over it.

With the help of the SplitProcessor the following scenario is possible:

page {
   10 {
      file = EXT:site_default/Resources/Private/Template/Default.html

      dataProcessing.2 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\SplitProcessor
      dataProcessing.2 {
         if.isTrue.field = bodytext
         delimiter = ,
         fieldName = bodytext
         removeEmptyEntries = 1
         filterIntegers = 0
         filterUnique = 1
         as = keywords

In the Fluid template then iterate over the splitted data:

<f:for each="{keywords}" as="keyword">
   <li>Keyword: {keyword}</li>

Custom dataProcessors

Last but not least, it is possible to create your own data processors and use them in a FLUIDTEMPLATE content object:

my_custom_ctype = FLUIDTEMPLATE
my_custom_ctype {
   templateName = CustomName
   templateRootPaths {
      10 = EXT:site_default/Resources/Private/Templates
   settings {
      extraParam = 1
   dataProcessing {
      1 = Vendor\YourExtensionKey\DataProcessing\MyFirstCustomProcessor
      2 = Vendor2\AnotherExtensionKey\DataProcessing\MySecondCustomProcessor
      2 {
         options {
            myOption = SomeValue