
TYPO3 v6 has reached its end-of-life April 18th, 2017 and is not maintained by the community anymore. Looking for a stable version? Use the version switch on the top left.

There is no further ELTS support. It is strongly recommended updating your project.

Objects executing database queries

  • CONTENT offers the functionality to access arbitrary tables of TYPO3 internals. This does not only include tt_content, but extension tables can also be referenced. The "select" function allows us to generate complex SQL queries.

  • RECORDS offers the functionality to reference specific data records. This is very helpful if the same text has to be present on all pages. By using RECORDS, a single content element can be defined and shown. Thus, an editor can edit the content without having to copy the element repetitively. This object is also used if the content element "insert record" is used.

    In the following example, the email address from an address record is rendered and linked as email at the same time.

    page.80 = RECORDS
    page.80 {
          source = 1
          tables = tt_address
          conf.tt_address = COA
          conf.tt_address {
                  20 = TEXT
                  20.stdWrap.field = email
                  20.stdWrap.typolink.parameter.field = email
  • HMENU imports the page tree and offers comfortable ways to generate a menu of pages. Besides the menu which renders the page tree, there are special menus which allow various ways of usage. This object imports the internal structure for these menus. How a menu will be rendered depends on menu objects like TMENU (text menu) or GMENU (graphical menu). For every menu level, the object can be changed. Within a menu level, there are various menu items. For every item, we can define the differing states (NO = normal, ACT = active, etc.).