
TYPO3 v6 has reached its end-of-life April 18th, 2017 and is not maintained by the community anymore. Looking for a stable version? Use the version switch on the top left.

There is no further ELTS support. It is strongly recommended updating your project.

Further objects

  • CASE allows case differentiation. In css_styled_content, this object is used for rendering different objects according to their type.

  • COA (content object array) allows us to combine an arbitrary number of objects.

  • COA_INT is a COA object, but non cached. This element will be regenerated at each call. This is useful with time and date or user dependent data, for example.

  • LOAD_REGISTER / RESTORE_REGISTER objects allow us to fill the global array $GLOBALS['TSFE']->register[] with content. These objects return nothing. Single values and complete TypoScript objects can be used. In doing so, the register works as a stack: With every call, a further element is stacked. With RESTORE_REGISTER, the element on top can be removed.

  • USER and USER_INT are for user defined functions. Every plugin is such an object. USER_INT is the non cached variant.

  • IMG_RESOURCE is used by IMAGE. The resource is returned (the content), which normally is the SRC attribute of the IMG tag. If images are scaled, this object serves as a calculation basis for the new files, which are stored in the /typo3temp folder.

  • EDITPANEL is inserted, if a backend user is logged in and the option "Display Edit Icons" is set in the frontend admin panel. If the admin panel is inserted, the pages will not be cached anymore. Icons for sorting order, editing, removing, and so on, will be shown.

  • GIFBUILDER is used for generating .gif files dynamically. Various texts and images can be combined, and much more. The GIFBUILDER object itself again offers some objects, like TEXT or IMAGE, which are not related to the standard TEXT or IMAGE objects, respectively. While working with the GIFBUILDER, we have to watch out that we do not confuse the objects with one another.

We did not introduce all objects which exist in TypoScript, but we have named the most important ones.