
TYPO3 v7 has reached its end-of-life November 30th, 2018 and is not maintained by the community anymore. Looking for a stable version? Use the version switch on the top left.

There is no further ELTS support. It is recommended that you upgrade your project and use a supported version of TYPO3.


The split function can be used to split given data at a predefined character and process the single pieces afterwards. At every iteration, the current index key SPLIT-COUNT is stored (starting with 0).

By using split, we could, for example, read a table field and wrap every single line with a certain code (e.g. generate an HTML table, which can be used to show the same content on more than one page).

20 = TEXT

# The content of the field "bodytext" is imported (from $cObj->data-array).
20.stdWrap.field = bodytext
20.stdWrap.split {

  # The separation character is defined (char = 10 is the newline character).
  token.char = 10

  # We define which element will be used.
  # By using optionSplit we can distinguish between elements.
  # Corresponding elements with the numbers must be defined!
  # For rendering, the numbers 1 and 2 are used in alternation.
  # In this example, the classes "odd" and "even" are used so we
  # can zebra style a table.
  cObjNum = |*|1||2|*|

  # The first element is defined (which is referenced by cObjNum).
  # The content is imported using stdWrap->current.
  1.current = 1

  # The element is wrapped.
  1.wrap = <tr class="odd"><td> | </td></tr>

  # The 2nd element is determined and wrapped.
  2.current = 1
  2.wrap = <tr class="even"><td> | </td></tr>

# A general wrap to create a valid table markup.
20.stdWrap.wrap = <table> | </table>