
TYPO3 v7 has reached its end-of-life November 30th, 2018 and is not maintained by the community anymore. Looking for a stable version? Use the version switch on the top left.

There is no further ELTS support. It is recommended that you upgrade your project and use a supported version of TYPO3.

Using css_styled_content

It is worth taking a deeper look at "css_styled_content". It comes with more than 2000 lines of TypoScript code containing definitions for each type of content element.

Although it may seem daunting, it is very instructive to review all this code, as there is much to learn by example. To view the raw code, place yourself on the root page of your web site and move to the WEB > Template module. Then choose the Template Analyzer function.

You should see a list of all used TypoScript templates and how they possibly include one another. All templates are evaluated by TYPO3 CMS from top to bottom.

The template structure as sees with the Template Analyzer

With a click on "EXT:css_styled_content/static/", you can view the content of that template (below the hierarchical view), first the constants, then the setup (scroll down).

You will see that "css_styled_content" adds HTML elements with many classes to the rendering of a page. They are used by TYPO3 CMS to display things in a structured way, e.g. images at their selected position like next to text, the link to top, etc. This also has the advantage that it is not necessary to enter different classes by hand, if you want to modify the styling. All you need is to find out which HTML element has which class, and to add CSS styles for that class. Example:

<div class="csc-textpic-imagewrap">...

The names of the classes are mostly intuitive. The all start with :code`csc` (which stands for "Css Styled Content"). In the example, this is followed by textpic, which stands for the TypoScript element "textpic" (used to render content elements of type "text & images"). Finally imagewrap suggests that the <div> container wraps around an image.

What is happening in detail can be understood by making an empty page with only one element, and then checking out the generated source code of that page.

For example, headlines are normally enumerated so that the first headline can be handled specifically. For HTML tables, the classes "odd" and "even" are inserted so that it is easy to color table rows differently. In the same manner, the table columns can be handled individually.

HTML purists may find that "css_styled_content" generates too much markup. It is perfectly possible to trim down this setup or write one's own entirely. However this is not recommended for beginners.