
While the components of this repository are split into separate packages, it can be build as a standalone application. Two ways are provided to use this project on your own environment.

Using Docker

A Docker image is available on GitHub packages. If you want to build your own image you can use the following command, in the root of this repository.

make docker-build

Once the build is finished you can execute your own image using:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/project typo3-docs:local --progress

For macOS you may need to specify the argument user:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/project --user=$(id -u):$(id -g) typo3-docs:local --progress

Using PHP

A phar binary is shipped with this repository. In short, a phar file is an executable PHP file. You can run it like any other executable.

To build the phar file we use Box_, with some wrapper script. To build the phar file yourself, you can run the following command.

make build-phar

This will create a file called guides.phar in the build directory. You can execute the phar file like a PHP file using:

php build/guides.phar

GitHub workflow

Developers contributing to the repository of this project on github_renderguides_ will trigger several GitHub Workflow when commiting/pushing code.

On terminology: A GitHub Workflow is something that is triggered within the repository (i.e. on a commit/tag). A GitHub Action is something that can be executed from the repository, where the repository allows other repositories to i.e. render the documentation. This repository provides both Workflows and Actions.

GitHub workflow: Commit/PR stragegy

The GIT main branch is protected, so only feature/bugfix/task-branches and forked repositories can be merged into it. When a Pull Request (PR) is created, at least one team member needs to approve it, so that it can be merged.

When a PR is created (and for every follow-up commit) the following GitHub Action are executed:

  • .github/workflows/main.yaml runs code quality and integration checks
  • .github/workflows/docker-self.yaml creates a test docker container image (not uploaded anywhere), only if the PR modifies the main Dockerfile.

Once a PR is merged, nothing else happens.

GitHub workflow: Release strategy

Whenever assets of our theme (packages/typo3-docs-theme) need to be uploaded, or the official Docker container needs to be updated, a GIT tag must be pushed to this repository.

The tag must be formatted as a semver-version string without a leading character, i.e. 0.1.0 or 5.1.1. We only support a progressive mainline of versions, so if a 5.0.0 version will come out at some point, backporting bugfixes to previous major versions is not planned.

If that ever needs to happen, also tags for older versions can be added to GIT to trigger building the relevant Docker container images. It is then very important that the most recent version is tagged LAST in this process, because only the last GIT tag is used for the latest Docker container:

# DO this:
git checkout 3.1.2
# .. cherry-pick bugfixes ..
# .. commit to a branch like release/3.1.3 ..
git tag 3.1.3 && git push --tags
git checkout main
# .. release the main version
git tag 4.0.0 && git push --tags

# do NOT do this:
git tag 4.0.0 && git push --tags
git checkout 3.1.2
# ...

When a GIT version tag matching *.*.* is pushed, these workflows are executed:

  • .github/workflows/phar.yaml build the PHAR image for the release
  • .github/workflows/docker.yaml build the Docker container image for the release, using the version tag.
  • .github/workflows/deploy-azure-assets.yaml uploads the latest assets (everything in packages/typo3-docs-theme/resources/public) to the Azure cloud CDN, using the version tag.

GitHub workflow: GitHub Actions - Main entry

/action.yaml is the main entry point for a composite action. It can be used by other repositories in workflows.

The GitHub repository github_gh_render_action_ provides an easy interface to that action. That repository provides a wrapper to check if a documentation repository needs to be rendered using Sphinx (the old rendering, using a Settings.cfg file) or via phpDocumentor (the new rendering, using a : file:guides.xml file).

The central piece of that action is:

- uses: TYPO3-Documentation/render-guides@main
  id: render-guides
  if: steps.enable_guides.outputs.GUIDES == 'true'
    working-directory: t3docsproject
    config: ./t3docsproject/Documentation/
    output: ./RenderedDocumentation/Result/project/0.0.0
    configure-branch: ${{ env.source_branch }}
    configure-project-release: ${{ env.target_branch_directory }}
    configure-project-version: ${{ env.target_branch_directory }}

This "remotely executes" the /action.yaml of this repository with specific input parameters gathered earlier in the gh-render-action action.

All of this allows an extension author to provide a GitHub Workflow in their own repository like this:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: "Render Documentation for this repository and upload"
      - name: Render Repository
        uses: TYPO3-Documentation/gh-render-action@main
        id: rendering
          source_branch: main
          target_branch_directory: main

Then it does not even matter, if the repository uses the old or new rendering, everything is done through the intermediate layer of gh-render-action.

This will also in the future allow us to switch to different renderings or take care of breaking configurations, so that extension authors (and the TYPO3 core documentation) always can rely on one action that does not change, and does not need different version numbers/tags.

The /action.yaml composite action takes in the input of the code snippet above, and then executes two composite steps:

  • .github/actions/configure-guides-step/action.yaml that provides extension-repository specific attributes that influence the local rendering. The input variables are dynamically injected into a temporary guides.xml file, that is used for the actual rendering. This is done by executing our own latest Docker container image.
  • .github/actions/render-guides-step/action.yaml is the actual rendering step, also using the same latest Docker container image.

Note that we only have one central Docker container image entrypoint that can take arguments like migrate or render to trigger different actions.

GitHub workflow: deploy-azure-assets

.github/workflows/deploy-azure-assets.yaml is triggered when a GIT tag matching *.*.* is committed to the repository.

It checks out this repository, retrieves the current GIT tag, gathers all files in packages/typo3-docs-theme/resources/public and moves them to a directory structure like cdn/cdn/theme/typo3-docs-theme/1.0.0/ (using the version number that has been used in the GIT tag).

That directory structure is then uploaded to azure, by using the secret GIT environment variables configured in our repository.

GitHub workflow: docker

.github/workflows/docker.yaml is triggered when a GIT tag matching *.*.* is committed to the repository.

It does these steps:

  • build: Sets up a matrix of docker platforms (arm, amd) to be built. This results in three build steps in total, once per platform: - Check out the repository with the current GIT tag - Retrieve Docker metadata (tags, versions) - Initiates the Docker build chain - Store the currently used GIT tag (version number) in an environment variable TYPO3AZUREEDGEURIVERSION. See description below. - Create the docker image, using the environment variable.
  • merge: Then the three builds are merged and uploaded to the gchr docker registry.

The variable TYPO3AZUREEDGEURIVERSION is very important to be baked into the Docker image. This will ensure, that the rendering for remote repositories is always performed with the matching version number of both the theme and the Docker image. All assets can then be referenced as$TYPO3AZUREEDGEURIVERSION/img/typo3-logo.svg.

Note that the version is used here, not a string like main or stable as the version, because CDNs would always cache these files and probably not deliver a new version, because the URI would be the same.

This means, the latest Docker image container will always reference to the CDN with the most recent version number. If at some point incompatibilities in the rendering are introduced, we can separate the gh-render-action repository in a way, that could reference exact Docker images other than latest, like by referring to a :5.0 image (using 5.0.1 / 5.0.2 / ... CDN URIs), or even using :5 to reference to the most recent 5.x version.

GitHub workflow: docker-test

.github/workflows/docker-test.yaml is triggered whenever a commit changes the Dockerfile.

The workflow step then uses that modified Dockerfile and tries to build it, and just execute the resulting container.

Note that no Docker container is actually uploaded. All the GitHub actions are just executed with the locally built docker container in this case, because this workflow step replaces the Docker container image name to the local Dockerfile instead of a registry URI.

A limitation currently is that the local Docker image will always use the action steps to configure and render the documentation from the main repository, not the fles that may be modified within the commit. See the note in .github/workflows/docker-test.yaml at the end for details.

GitHub workflow: main

.github/workflows/main.yaml is triggered on each commit and for each Pull Request (PR).

It performs basic code quality analysis and execution of unit/integration tests:

  • Tests:

    • Run unit tests
    • Run integration tests
  • Quality:

    • CGL
    • Lint guides.xml configurations
  • Validate monorepo structure

GitHub workflow: phar

(work in progress)

.github/workflows/phar.yaml is triggered on each commit (not on Pull Requests). It builds the a phar archive that will be available for created releases.