Extension settings

In the extension manager you find some options to define some of the behaviour of the extension:

Login redirect

Option name: login_redirect_url

Instead of throwing a "Authentication required!" message you can redirect the user to a certain page so he can login.


# Or a typolink

No Access redirect

Option name: no_access_redirect_url

Instead of throwing a "Access denied" message you can redirect the user to a certain page to inform the user about the access denied with optional some extra info.


# Or a typolink

Force download

Option name: force_download

Force download of all files from protected/non-public storages

Force download for some file extensions only

Option name: force_download_for_ext

Force download for a given set of file extensions (comma separated list)

Enable resumable downloads

Option name: resumable_download

Enables resumable download support (default enabled for new installs).

This enables support for HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content, so the file/download can be requested in multiple parts.

Count downloads per user and create statistics

Option name: track_downloads

This feature is only available in TYPO3 CMS 7 and above.

All downloads are tracked. Each download will be logged and accounted towards the frontend user downloading it. The download statistics per user can be inspected when editing the frontend user record.

EXT:ke_search support

To have proper support for ke_search you need at least version 1.8.4 of ke_search and 0.0.8 of fal_secure_download.

EXT:solrfal support

To have correct urls to indexed files you need to add/adjust following ext:solr typoscript configuration.

# Make sure the correct public URL is indexed
    plugin.tx_solr.index.queue._FILES.default.filePublicUrl = public_url
    plugin.tx_solr.index.queue._FILES.default.url = public_url

# Make sure the fe_groups are considered
plugin.tx_solr.index.queue._FILES.default.access = TEXT
plugin.tx_solr.index.queue._FILES.default.access {
    value = r:0
    override {
        cObject = TEXT
        cObject {
            required = 1
            field = fe_groups
            wrap = r:|

This feature is sponsored by: STIMME DER HOFFNUNG Adventist Media Center



This event will be fired everytime a file is going to download or display. This event will not be fired, if access to requested file is restricted for current logged in frontend user. So you can modify some redirect params if needed.

Example of how to register a listener for this event in your EXT:my_extension/Configuration/Services.yaml:

      - name: event.listener
        identifier: 'myBeforeRedirectsEventListener'
        event: BeechIt\FalSecuredownload\Events\BeforeRedirectsEvent

An example listener EXT:my_extension/Classes/EventListener/BeforeRedirectsEventListener.php could look like this:

    namespace Vendor\MyExtension\EventListener;

use \BeechIt\FalSecuredownload\Events\BeforeRedirectsEvent;

    class BeforeRedirectsEventListener
    public function __invoke(BeforeRedirectsEvent $event): void

That way you can modify 'loginRedirectUrl', 'noAccessRedirectUrl', 'file', 'caller' if needed.


This event will be fired everytime a file is going to download or display. This event will not be fired, if access to requested file is restricted for current logged in frontend user. BeforeFileDump is useful for e.g. tracking access of downloaded files.

Example of how to register a listener for this event in your EXT:my_extension/Configuration/Services.yaml:

      - name: event.listener
        identifier: 'myBeforeFileDumpEventListener'
        event: BeechIt\FalSecuredownload\Events\BeforeFileDumpEvent

An example listener EXT:my_extension/Classes/EventListener/BeforeFileDumpEventListener.php could look like this:

    namespace Vendor\MyExtension\EventListener;

use \BeechIt\FalSecuredownload\Events\BeforeFileDumpEvent;

    class BeforeFileDumpEventListener
    public function __invoke(BeforeFileDumpEvent $event): void

That way you can modify 'file', 'caller' if needed.


This event is fired every time when the permissions are checked. It will add new groups to the list of authenticated groups, which are not detected by the standard group mechanism. An example is, if you are using ip based authentication, where no frontend user is logged in.

The slot must return an array which contains the array of the custom usergroups. This array will then be merged with the original array of groups.

Example of how to register a listener for this event in your EXT:my_extension/Configuration/Services.yaml:

      - name: event.listener
        identifier: 'myAddCustomGroupsEventListener'
        event: BeechIt\FalSecuredownload\Events\AddCustomGroupsEvent

An example listener EXT:my_extension/Classes/EventListener/AddCustomGroupsEventListener.php could look like this:

    namespace Vendor\MyExtension\EventListener;

use \BeechIt\FalSecuredownload\Events\AddCustomGroupsEvent;

    class AddCustomGroupsEventListener
    public function __invoke(AddCustomGroupsEvent $event): void

Known issues

  • I got javascript errors after including the provided typoscript template

    This is properly because you do not have jQuery available on the FE. You can disable the provided javascript by adding this line to your typoscript template

plugin.tx_falsecuredownload.settings.includeJavascript = 0
  • Files in my "secure" folder aren't processed by ext:tika

    If the folder is outside of the document root you need to set $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['lockRootPath'] else ext:tika will not process the files.


Complete this document

Further development

The git repository of ext:fal_securedownload can be found on Github.

Pull request and suggestions for improvement are very welcome.