Installing the extension

There are a few steps necessary to install the Metadata and content analysis extension. If you have installed other extensions in the past, you will run into little new here.

As usual, install the extension and load it using the Extension Manager. Then configure it by either clicking on the gear icon or on the title of this extension.

Configuring the extension

Click on the title or on the gear icon to configure the extension.

The tabs (see corresponding figures) let you configure the various settings of this extension.

Basic settings

Basic settings to enable or disable the use of external tools or extract metadata on-the-fly when uploading a file (TYPO3 6.2 only since this is the case automatically since TYPO3 7).

Apache Tika

Settings for using Apache Tika (optional).

External tools

Path to various external tools (optional).

Apache Tika

Using Apache Tika is highly recommended for best extraction results. You may use either the standalone application jar or connect to an Apache Tika server. The latter should probably be quicker to answer since it runs as a daemon.

Apache Tika may be downloaded from

Connection to an Apache Tika Server

When connecting to a server and not to the standalone Jar application, handy animations, in Extension Manager, will let you easily double check that provided parameters are correct:

Successful connection
Successful connection
Broken connection
Broken connection

External Tools

This extension is capable of using external tools to extract metadata:

  • exiftool for files containing EXIF, IPTC / XMP
  • pdfinfo for PDF.