Users Manual

This chapter describes how to use the extension from a user point of view.

Available fields

Field Title Type
title Title string
width Width integer
height Height integer
alternative Alternative text or headline string
description Description string
visible Visible 0 or 1
status Status
  • 1 (OK)
  • 2 (Pending)
  • 3 (Under review)
keywords Keywords comma-separated list of strings
caption Caption string
creator_tool Creator tool string
download_name Download name string
creator Creator string
publisher Publisher string
source Source string
location_country Country string
location_region Region string
location_city City string
latitude GPS latitude floating point
longitude GPS longitude floating point
altitude GPS altitude integer (meters)
ranking Ranking / Rating integer (0-5)
content_creation Content creation date integer (timestamp)
content_modification Content modification date integer (timestamp)
note Note string
unit Unit (for width/height)
  • "px" - pixels
  • "cm" - centimeters
  • "in" - inches
  • "mm" - millimeters
  • "m" - meters
  • "p" - pica (1 pica = 12 points)
  • "pt" - points (1 inch = 72 points)
duration Duration of the movie/sound integer (number of seconds)
color_space Color space
  • "RGB"
  • "sRGB"
  • "CMYK"
  • "CMY"
  • "YUV"
  • "grey"
  • "indx" (indexed)
pages Number of pages integer
language Language of the file string

Field details

Standard fields


A headline is a brief publishable synopsis or summary of the contents of the photograph. Like a news story, the Headline should grab attention, and telegraph the content of the image to the audience. Headlines need to be succinct. leave the supporting narrative for the Description field. Do not, however, confuse the Headline term with the Title term.


The Description field, often referred to as a "caption" is used to describe the who, what (and possibly where and when) and why of what is happening in the photograph. If there is a person or people in the image, this caption might include their names, and/or their role in the action that is taking place. If the image is of a location, then it should give information regarding the location. Don't forget to also include this same "geographical" information in the Geographical fields. The amount of detail you include will depend on the image and whether the image is documentary or conceptual. Typically, editorial images come with complete caption text, while advertising images may not.


Enter keywords (terms or phrases) used to express the subject of the content seen in the photograph. Keywords may be free text (i.e. they are not required to be taken from a controlled vocabulary). You may enter any number of keywords, terms or phrases into this field, simply separate them with a comma or semi-colon.

Geographical fields

According to the IPTC standards, the descriptions of geographic fields contained within the IPTC Core Image section did not clearly distinguish whether the value should be the actual location shown in the image, or the location where the photo was taken. Because most GPS systems, by default, indicate where the photographer was standing, the IPTC standard is now suggesting to use the fields City, Region and Country for the location "shown" in the image, whereas the latitude and longitude will logically be related to the position the photographer was standing.


Enter the full name of the country pictured in the photograph. This field is at the first level of a top-down geographical hierarchy. The full name should be expressed as a verbal name and not as an ISO country code.


Enter the name of the subregion of a country -- usually referred to as either a State or Province -- that is pictured in the image. Since the abbreviation for a State or Province may be unknown to those viewing your metadata internationally, consider using the full spelling of the name. Province/State is a the second level of a top-down geographical hierarchy.


Enter the name of the city that is pictured in the image. If there is no city, consider using the name of the location shown in the image. This name could be the name of a specific area within a city (Manhattan) or the name of a well-known location (Pyramides of Giza) or (natural) monument outside a city (Grand Canyon). City is at the third level of a top-down geographical hierarchy.