
What does it do?

This extension enables import/update/deletion of users and groups (frontend, backend or both) from a LDAP-directory and provides Single Sign-On (SSO) for frontend users. These features make it the perfect choice when deploying TYPO3 as an intranet CMS.

In case the network topology makes it useful, this extension is able to work with multiple LDAP server configurations, with a priority order based on the manual sorting of configuration records.

This extension is known to work with OpenLDAP and Active Directory (various versions).

Please consult the Frequently Asked Questions for additional information.


Configuration of the LDAP server

Configuration of the connection to the LDAP server

Configuration of the frontend users

Configuration of the frontend authentication, how to map LDAP attributes to TYPO3 fields and which groups are required or should be automatically assigned

Configuration of backend groups

Configuration of the retrieval of backend user groups

LDAP status

Status of the LDAP connection

Search wizard

Search wizard as backend module


Causal Sàrl, a Swiss company actively contributing to TYPO3, has taken over this extension which has been initially developed by Infoglobe, a Canadian company specialized in open-source software.

We would like to thank:

  • Support for TYPO3 8 LTS and some general bug fixes have been sponsored by elementare teilchen, Germany.
  • Support for TYPO3 6.2 LTS and some further enhancements have been sponsored by the Centre électronique de gestion (CEG), technically the IT department of the Swiss city Neuchâtel.
  • Full user import was sponsored by the Ecole d’Etudes Sociales et Pédagogiques, in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Causal Sàrl

Causal Sàrl


Centre électronique de gestion (CEG)

elementare teilchen GmbH

elementare teilchen GmbH


Ecole d’Etudes Sociales et Pédagogiques (EESP)





In case you need help to configure this extension, please ask for free support in TYPO3 mailing lists or contact the maintainer for paid support.