Administrator manual

This chapter describes how to manage the extension from an administrator point of view.

First step is to set a global configuration for this extension. You can do that by opening Admin Tools > Settings and then clicking on the button "Configure extensions" within the block "Extension Configuration". You should go through each global option and enable what you need for your installation:

Configuring global settings of the extension

Second step for configuring your LDAP authentication is to create one or more server configuration records. To do this, use module Web > List and create a record "Configuration LDAP / SSO" on the root level of your TYPO3 website (pid 0):

Creating a record "Configuration LDAP / SSO"

When creating a new record at the root of your website, choose "Configuration LDAP / SSO".

The form to edit such a record is split in 6 tabs that we will describe separately in the next few sections.

Edit mask for a record "Configuration LDAP / SSO"

Edit mask of a record "Configuration LDAP / SSO"
