
The extension has the following configuration options:

Storage PID
Defines a general page where all the imported records are stored. This can be overridden specifically for each table (see Administration below).
Log storage PID
Defines a page where log entries will be stored. The default is 0 (root page).
Force time limit
Sets a maximum execution time (in seconds) for the manual import processes (i.e. imports launched from the BE module). This time limit affects both PHP (where the default value is defined by max_execution_time) and the AJAX calls triggered by the BE module (where the default limit is 30 seconds). This is necessary if you want to run large imports. Setting this value to -1 preserves the default time limit.
Email for reporting
If an email address is entered here, a detailed report will be sent to this address after every automated synchronization. Mails are not sent after synchronizations started manually from the BE module.Note that the mail reporting feature needs a valid e-mail address to be available for sending from. This will either be the mail of the _cli_scheduler (or _cli_) user or the default mail address of the TYPO3 installation ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['MAIL']['defaultMailFromAddress']). If neither of these mails are available, the report will not be sent and an error will appear in the SYSTEM > Log.
Subject of email report
A label that will be prepended to the subject of the reporting mail. It may be convenient – for example – to use the server’s name, in case you have several servers running the same imports.
Preview/Debug limit
This is the maximum number of rows that will be dumped to the devlog when debugging is turned on. It will also be used as the number of rows displayed during a preview, when that feature is implemented.

Check to enable the extension to log some data during import runs. This may have an effect depending on the call context (e.g. in verbose mode on the command line, debug output will be sent to standard output). Up to TYPO3 8, debug output is sent to the Developer’s Log (requires an extension such as devlog). Since TYPO3 9, debug output is routed using the Core Logger API. Hence if you wish to see more details, you may want to add specific configuration for the \Cobweb\ExternalImport\Importer class which centralizes logging. Example:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['LOG']['Cobweb']['ExternalImport']['Importer']['writerConfiguration'] = [
        // configuration for ERROR level log entries
        \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\LogLevel::DEBUG => [
                // add a FileWriter
                \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\FileWriter::class => [
                        // configuration for the writer
                        'logFile' => 'typo3temp/logs/typo3_import.log'
Disable logging

Disables logging by TCEmain. By default an entry will be written in the System > Log for each record touched by the import process. This may create quite a lot of log entries on large imports. Checking this box disables logging for all tables. It can be overridden at table-level by the disableLog.


There is one big drawback to this method however. If TCEmain logging is disabled, errors are not tracked at all. This means that the import will run happily all the time and never report errors. You will unfortunately have to choose between errors not being reported and your log being flooded.