The command-line interface

The External Import process can be called from the command line. It can be used to run a single synchronization, all of them or a group of them. When several synchronizations are run, they happen in order of increasing priority. The following operations are possible:

List all configurations available for synchronization

path/to/php path/to/bin/typo3 externalimport:sync --list

Synchronize everything

path/to/php path/to/bin/typo3 externalimport:sync --all.

Synchronize a group of configurations

path/to/php path/to/bin/typo3 externalimport:sync --group=(group name).

Synchronize a single configuration

path/to/php path/to/bin/typo3 externalimport:sync --table=foo --index=bar.

Running in preview mode

Preview mode can be activated by using the preview flag and a Step class name as argument. The import process will stop after the given step and return some preview data (or not; that depends on the step). No permanent changes are made (e.g. nothing is saved to the database).

A typical command will look like:

path/to/php path/to/bin/typo3 externalimport:sync --table=foo --index=bar --preview='Cobweb\ExternalImport\Step\TransformDataStep'

This will stop the process after the TransformDataStep and dump the transformed data in the standard output. Mind the correct syntax for defining the Step class (quote with no opening backslash).


If running a full or group synchronization, the preview mode will apply to each configuration.

Debugging on the command-line

Debugging on the command-line is achieved by using the verbose flag, which is available for all commands. If global debugging is turned on (see the Extension configuration), debugged variables will be dumped along with the usual output from the External Import command. If global debugging is disabled, it can be enabled for a single run, by using the "debug" flag:

path/to/php path/to/bin/typo3 externalimport:sync --table=foo --index=bar --debug -v