Administrator Manual


There are two ways to properly install the extension.

1. Composer installation

In case you use Composer to manage dependencies of your TYPO3 project, you can just issue the following Composer command in your project root directory.

composer require colorcube/anfahrt

2. Installation with Extension Manager

Download and install the extension with the extension manager module.

Google Maps API Key

You need an api key which has to be set in the extension configuration in the extension manager.

For further information about Google Maps API Keys you may have a look here:



Include the extension TypoScript in your project (e.g. in template record).

Some values will be used from TypoScript as default values if not set in flexform:

plugin.tx_anfahrt_pi1 {
    settings {
        width = 100%
        height = 38rem
        zoom = 14


The Width, Height and Zoom fields could be hidden for editors using TSconfig. The settings from TypoScript are used then.

TCEFORM.tt_content.pi_flexform.anfahrt_pi1 {
    description {
            width.disabled = 1
            height.disabled = 1
            zoom.disabled = 1