Email notification

General configuration

The title can be an arbitrary label that will be used to identify the notification in the TYPO3 backend.

A full description can also be added if needed.

Email tab general


On this tab, an event must be selected among the ones available.


Some events might have a custom configuration. For instance, the event “TYPO3 > Scheduler task was executed” allows to select which specific task will fire the event.

Email tab event


The mailer that will do the actual sending must be selected.


TYPO3 comes out of the box with a basic mailer, custom implementations may be added in the future.

Email tab channel

Email content


A layout must be chosen for this email. This can be a custom one:

notiz {
    notifications {
        entityEmail {
            settings {
                view {
                    layouts {
                        myLayout {
                            label = My custom layout
                            path = Html/MyLayout

                    layoutRootPaths.50 = EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Layouts/Mail/
                    templateRootPaths.50 = EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Templates/Mail/
                    partialRootPaths.50 = EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Partials/Mail/
        <style type="text/css">
            .some-class {
                color: red;
        <div class="some-class">
            <f:render section="Body" optional="1" />
Email layout

Subject and body

On this tab, the mail subject and body can be configured.


These fields can use markers that will be replaced by dynamic values before the email is sent. See chapter “Marker” for more information.


The body may be customized for complex emails. See the chapters “Dynamic email body” and “Dynamic slots fields for body” for more information.

Email tab configuration


As many emails as needed can be added, for each type of recipient.

Email addresses can be written in two different formats:

  • Without the name:

  • With the name: John Smith <>


Some events provide dynamic recipient emails. For instance, a contact form asking for the user's email address can provide it as a recipient "User that filled the form".

See chapter “Email” for more information.

Global recipients

Global recipients can also be defined and will be available in any email notification; a good use-case is adding an administrator address as a global recipient.

They can be configured in the definition at the path: notiz.notifications.entityEmail.settings.globalRecipients.

Email tab recipients


The default sender is configurable in the definition at the path: notiz.notifications.entityEmail.settings.defaultSender.

It can also be overwritten in any notification entry.

Email tab sender


More aspect regarding emails can be found below: