
This example configuration is based on the base TypoScript-Constants configuration (see Installation).

TypoScript constants
 plugin.tx_cookieconsent.settings {
     # PID to Data Protection
     url =
     # PID of Cookie Storage
     storagePid =
     # Layout
     theme = edgeless
     # Position
     position = bottom-right
     # Type (info, opt-out, opt-in)
     type = opt-in
     #  pre check statistics in checkboxes layout
     statistics = false
     # pre check statistics in checkboxes layout
     marketing = false

     # show Iframe overlay
     overlay {
         # Enable Iframe overlay
         notice = true

         box {
             # Overlay: Background
             background = rgba(0,0,0,.8)
             # Overlay: Text
             text = #fff
         button {
             # Overlay Button: Background
             background = #b81839
             # Overlay Button: Text
             text = #fff

     # Cookiehint Style
     palette {
         popup {
             # Bar: Background color
             background = rgba(0,0,0,.8)
             # Bar: text color
             text = #fff
         button {
             # Button: Background color
             background = #b81839
             # Button: text color
             text = #fff