Language changes¶
You can change the default language packs by adding new translations via TypoScript
If you are from a country other than Germany, let me know your legal text and I will mark it for the next version!
- message
the default consent message
- dismiss
allow cookie button
- link
read more link
- deny
decline button
- allow
allow cookie button
- allowall
allow all cookie button
- dpRequire
checkbox required label
- dpStatistik
checkbox statistic label
- dpMarketing
checkbox marketing label
- media.notice
overlay notice headline
- media.desc
overlay notice text
- media.btn
overlay button text
plugin.tx_dp_cookieconsent._LOCAL_LANG {
de {
message = XXX
dismiss = XXX
allow = XXX
link = XXX
deny = XXX
allowall = XXX
# Checkbox labels
dpRequire = XXX
dpStatistik = XXX
dpMarketing = XXX
# Iframe Overlay text
media.notice = XXX
media.desc = XXX
media.btn = XXX