TypoScript constants¶
Adjust the TypoScript constants (again, either in a sys_template record or in a file in your site package).
All constants are prepended with plugin.tx_cookieman.settings
- resourcesBasePath
| Data type: path | Default: EXT:cookieman/Resources | Example: EXT:mysitepackage/Resources |
Path to directory that holds the themes. Default enables the shipped demo themes. See Custom themes how to create a new theme.
- theme
| Data type: string | Default: bootstrap4-modal | Example: my-theme |
Name of the theme. It is used to extend the resourcesBasePath to create the full path to templates and assets.
The shipped default themes are these: Themes directory on Github
You can check them out on our Demo page.
Of course you can use your own custom theme (see Custom themes).
- links.dataProtectionDeclarationPid
| Data type: data-type-page-id | Example: 123 |
page UID of data privacy statement page - the Cookieman modal will not be automatically opened on this page (see When is the popup shown to users?).
- links.dataProtectionDeclarationAnchor
| Data type: string | Example: c456 |
You can set an (optional) anchor (TYPO3-lingua "section") on the data privacy statement page.
- links.imprintPid
| Data type: data-type-page-id | Example: 123 |
page UID of imprint page - the cookieman modal will not be automatically opened on this page (see When is the popup shown to users?).