Download via Extension Manager¶
In the TYPO3 Backend go to Admin Tools > Extensions. Change in the dropdown on the top left to 'Get Extensions', enter the extension key 'sf_books' in the text field below the headline 'Get Extensions' and hit go. In the result list install the extension by hitting the action for that.
Download via Composer¶
Add evoweb/extender to the require in your composer.json.
composer require evoweb/sf-books
Include TypoScript¶
Include static file "Book Library" in your typoscript record or import in your sitepackage and modify the constants to match the page setup you have added.
Include Routing configuration¶
To have speaking urls you need to add the following import in your site config. This allows each of the plugins to render seo friendly urls.
- { resource: "EXT:sf_books/Configuration/Routes/Default.yaml" }