Import command

By using the import command its possible to import locations from a a spreadsheet into a storage folder. If given references to attributes, categories and files are created.


  • fileName StorageId (most likely 1) and path and filename of excel file that should be imported relatively to the storage (fileadmin) Eg: 1:/user_upload/locations.xlsx


  • --storagePid -s Page id of storage folder. Default is 1.

  • --clearStorageFolder -c Flag if storage folder should be emptied before importing

  • --columnMap -o Json encoded column map array. Defaults to {"A":"import_id","B":{0:"name",1:"storeid"}},"C":"address","D":"city","E":"zipcode","F":"country","G":"state","H":"person","I":"url","J":"image"}

  • --attributeMap -a Json encoded attribute map array. Defaults to {"K":{"att1":1}}

  • --categoryMap -t Json encoded attribute map array. Defaults to {"L":{"cat1":1}}


  • the first line will always be ignored.

  • transformation is in order of attributes, categories, location fields.

  • every column in one of the three maps is imported in a location field

  • country, state, image, media, icon are special fields * country is a ISO3 code for a country and is stored in the country field as uid of the static_country record * state is a zones code for a state and is stored in the state field as uid of the static_country_zones record * image is a file path and name relative to file storage like 1:/user_upload/test.jpg and is referenced by sys_file_reference * media is a file path and name relative to file storage like 1:/user_upload/video.mp4 and is referenced by sys_file_reference * icon is a file path and name relative to file storage like 1:/user_upload/icon.jpg and is referenced by sys_file_reference

  • references to attributes, categories and files are removed if not present any more

Importing constraints

  • if import_id is set updating locations is possible

  • it's always an incremental import

  • if a full import should be performed the flag clearStorageFolder needs to be true, then the folder gets emptied before importing

  • it's possible to import multiple references for attributes, categories and files

  • by adding multiple columns containing file information: H, I, J "1:/user_upload/image1.jpeg","1:/user_upload/image1.jpeg","1:/user_upload/image1.jpeg" and change the configuration object like: {..."H":"image","I":"image","J":"image"...} The result is, that the locations has three images referenced

Examples of import command calls

On command line
 vendor/bin/typo3 storefinder:import --storagePid=202 --clearStorageFolder=1 filename

 vendor/bin/typo3 storefinder:import --columnMap="{\"A\":\"import_id\",\"B\":\"name\",\"D\":\"city\"}" "1:/user_upload/ExportExcel.xlsx"
 vendor/bin/typo3 storefinder:import \
   -c \
   -o"{\"A\":\"import_id\",\"B\":\"name\",\"D\":\"city\"}" \