Page TSconfig

  • You can use the Page TSconfig to define some template layouts. Currently the templates handle 3 different layouts by default.


Here an example with 3 layouts, that are already handled in the templates:

tx_fpmasterquiz.templateLayouts {
  0 = Standard-Layout
  1 = Layout for a poll with a pie chart
  2 = Detailed quiz/poll-results at a result-page
  • You can use every number and description for the layouts.

  • Now you can select a layout in the FlexForm of every page.

  • Finally you can use now different layouts in your templates (0-2 are already in use by default).


Here an example for a template (extract) with 2 layouts:

<f:if condition="{settings.templateLayout} == 1">
                show a pie chart
                show only text

Note: by default, the template will load JavaScript from, if you use templateLayout 1. Then the results will be displayed as a chart. Apexcharts will be used then. Here you find more informations about Apexcharts:

  • Furthermore you can use TSconfig to rename or hide quiz-fields in the BE. Here two examples:

TCEFORM.tx_fpmasterquiz_domain_model_question.explanation.disabled = 1
TCEFORM.tx_fpmasterquiz_domain_model_quiz.about.label = Description for the list view

You find the TSconfig when you edit a page. Go to the tab Resources.