Extension configuration variables¶
The Extension Manager installation dialog allows to set the following extension configuration variables:
- Default configuration settings: let you choose a set of default Page TSconfig and User TSconfig settings; select Typical (Most commonly used features are enabled. Select this option if you are unsure which one to use.) for the typical site requirements; select Minimal (Most features disabled. Administrator needs to enable them using TypoScript. For advanced administrators only.) for minimal settings; select Demo (Show-off configuration. Includes pre- configured styles. Not for production environments.) to explore some of the available features; default value is Typical;
- Enable images in the RTE : if this boolean variable is set, the use of images in the “Minimal” or the “Typical” default configuration of the RTE will be enabled; default value is 0;
- Enable additional inline elements: If set, the potential use of additional inline elements will be enabled; default value is 0;
- Enable features that use the style attribute : If set, the potential use of features that use the style attribute (color, fontstyle, fontsize) will be enabled; default value is 1;
- Enable links accessibility icons : if this boolean variable is set, accessibility icons may be added to links; default value is 0; see Page TSconfig property RTE.classesAnchor;
- Enable compressed scripts: if this boolean variable is set, editor scripts are compressed; default value is 1.
If the SpellChecker is not enabled, then the remaining configuration variables are irrelevant; note that if extension static_info_tables is not installed, SpellCheker will not be enabled.
- No spell checking languages : the list of languages for which Aspell does not provide spell checking (see Unsupported Languages ) and for which the Spell Checker feature will therefore be disabled (not shown in the RTE tool bar); default value is ‘ja, km, ko, lo, th, zh, b5, gb’;
- Aspell directory: the server directory in which Aspell is installed; default value is “/usr/bin/aspell”;
- Force Aspell command mode: if this boolean variable is set,the Aspell command interface will be used; this may be useful when PHP is compiled with pspell, but with an old version of Aspell, and a newer version is available in another directory; default value is 0.