Nesting definition lists (Indent/TAB)

Whiledtdoes not allow any blockelements inside,dddoes, and you may also nest definition lists.

This is useful if you have a term that has different definitions in different contexts. The nesting can be achieved using indent/outdent buttons as for the other list types.

Case 1: Indenting without any highlighted text

Let us say I want to talk about the Acronym PC in different context:

        <dd>The Acronym has different meanings in different contexts:\|</dd>

Now I press indent, with the result that a new combination of dl+dt is created at my cursor position and my cursor is inside the newly created dt:

        <dd>The Acronym has different meanings in different contexts:

Case 2: Indenting highlighted dt/dd elements

This case is divided into two subcases.

Subcase 2a: We have a dd as previous sibling of the hightlighted elements.

In this case the highlighteddt/ddelements should be wrapped with <dl> and should be placed inside theddat cursor position. Example:

        <dd>The Abbreviation has different meaning in different contexts:</dd>
        <dt>Information technology</dt>
        <dd>Personal Computer</dd>
        <dt>Social sciences</dt>
        <dd>Political correctness</dt>
        <dt>Latin Grammar</dt>
        <dd>Participium coniunctum</dd>

Clicking indent results in:

        <dd>The Abbreviation has different meaning in different contexts:
                <dt>Information technology</dt>
                <dd>Personal Computer</dd>
                <dt>Social sciences</dt>
                <dd>Political correctness</dt>
                <dt>Latin Grammar</dt>
                <dd>Participium coniunctum\|</dd>

Subcase 2b: We have a dt as previous sibling of the highlighted dt/dd elements.

In this subcase the highlighted elements will be wrapped by dd+dl:

        <dt>Information technology</dt>
        <dd>Personal Computer</dd>
        <dt>Social sciences</dt>
        <dd>Political correctness</dt>
        <dt>Latin Grammar</dt>
        <dd>Participium coniunctum</dd>

Clicking indent will result in:

                        <dt>Information technology</dt>
                        <dd>Personal Computer</dd>
                        <dt>Social sciences</dt>
                        <dd>Political correctness</dt>
                        <dt>Latin Grammar</dt>
                        <dd>Participium coniunctum|</dd>

Case 3: Outdenting without any highlighting

After having said all about PC, I want to talk about RTE on the outer level and therefore do the following:

  • I press Enter to create a new dt and perhaps klick dt/dd-toggler.
  • I click outdent or press Shift+TAB to outdent the newly created dt.

As a result, my newly created dt/dd element is moved beneath the nested dl.


             <dd>The Abbreviation has different meaning in different contexts:
                     <dt>Information technology</dt>
                     <dd>Personal Computer</dd>
                     <dt>Social sciences</dt>
                     <dd>Political correctness</dt>
                     <dt>Latin Grammar</dt>
                     <dd>Participium coniunctum</dd>
                     <dt> | </dt>

Clicking outdent in this situation will result in:

             <dd>The Abbreviation has different meaning in different contexts:
                     <dt>Information technology</dt>
                     <dd>Personal Computer</dd>
                     <dt>Social sciences</dt>
                     <dd>Political correctness</dt>
                     <dt>Latin Grammar</dt>
                     <dd>Participium coniunctum</dd>

Case 4: Outdenting a highlighted group of dt/dd-elements

Outdenting of highlighted elements only works in a sensible way, if the highlighted elements are at the very end of an indented dl. If you want to move up or down elements at the beginning or in the middle, this can be achieved with cut and paste.

Example: Highlighted elements are at the end of a nested dl

        <dt>outer term 1</dtd>
        <dd>outer data 1
                <dt>inner term 1</dt>
                <dd>inner data 1</dd>
                <dt>inner term 2</dt>
                <dd>inner data 2</dd>
                <dt>inner term 3</dt>
                <dd>inner data 3</dd>

Clicking outdent will place the selected elements below the next outer dd:

             <dt>outer term 1</dtd>
             <dd>outer data 1
                     <dt>inner term 1</dt>
                     <dd>inner data 1</dd>
                     <dt>inner term 2</dt>
                     <dd>inner data 2</dd>
             <dt>inner term 3</dt>
             <dd>inner data 3 |  </dd>