Known Problems

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You must insert the 'include static template from extensions' tt board static template in the Typoscript module in the backend.

If you do not get any output, then further investigation is needed. Try to debug the extension where it does not continue.

tt_board/Classes/Controller/RegisterPluginController.php :

Insert debug commands.

public function main($content, $conf)

Try to find out if this PHP code is executed .

debug ($content, 'HERE $content');
return $content

The result of $content is the output on the screen.

If the PHP code of tt_board is not executed, then the Default Setup has not been inserted into the TypoScript. Check the TypoScript backend module under 'Active TypoScript'.

You can also insert the TypoScript manually from the following extension folders:


One of the following TypoScript must be there:

List Forum:

temp.userFuncList = JambageCom\TtBoard\Controller\ListPluginController->main

plugin.tt_board_list {
   userFunc = JambageCom\TtBoard\Controller\ListPluginController->main

Tree Forum:

temp.userFuncTree = JambageCom\TtBoard\Controller\TreePluginController->main

plugin.tt_board_tree {
   userFunc = JambageCom\TtBoard\Controller\TreePluginController->main

Clear all the caches and the typo3temp/var/cache folder.

Try to add the Content Wizard in the TSConfig of the top page:

Page TSconfig Include static Page TSconfig (from extensions) [tsconfig_includes]

Check if it works after using the content wizard. Check if another extension plugin works.

Check if the following TypoScript is there:

tt_content.list.20.2 = CASE
tt_content.list.20.2 {
    key.field = layout
    0 = < plugin.tt_board_tree

tt_content.list.20.4 = CASE
tt_content.list.20.4 {
    key.field = layout
    0 = < plugin.tt_board_list
    1 = < plugin.tt_board_tree