
Configure Bynder Storage

Permanent Token

Follow this configuration path, if you have a permanent token available. You can request a permanent token from Bynder Support:

  1. Create new file storage

    Create new file storage record sys_file_storage on root page (page with UID 0) and give it a name.

  2. Storage type

    Switch storage type to Bynder

  3. Add Bynder domain

    Set Bynder domain. Example:


    Do not prefix the domain with http:// nor https://

  4. Permanent Token

    Set permanent token you have get from Bynder Support

  5. Set temporary folder

    bynder2 can not write files to Bynder, so you have to use another folder for temporary files. Please set Folder for manipulated and temporary images etc. to something like 1:/_processed_/.

Access Token

If you don't have access to permanent tokens you have to configure Bynder storage with access token.

  1. Create new file storage

    Create new file storage record sys_file_storage on root page (page with UID 0) and give it a name.

  2. Storage type

    Switch storage type to Bynder

  3. Add Bynder domain

    Set Bynder domain. Example:


    Do not prefix the domain with http:// nor https://

  4. Add Redirect Callback

    Set redirect callback. It must be exactly the same value you have set in your Bynder App. We prefer to set this value to something like https://[yourDomain]/typo3/index.php in your Bynder App.

  5. Add Client ID

    Set Client ID. You will find this value in your Bynder App.

  6. Add Client Secret

    Set Client Secret. You will find this value in your Bynder App.

  7. Save

    Save record. That will update the authorization link for Bynder App.

  8. Authorization

    Click the link to authorize the Bynder App. Maybe you have to login to Bynder. You will automatically redirected to the configured Redirect Callback URL in a new browser tab.

  9. Copy, copy, copy

    Copy access token, refresh token and expires into your bynder storage record in the other browser tab.

  10. Set temporary folder

bynder2 can not write files to Bynder, so you have to use another folder for temporary files. Please set Folder for manipulated and temporary images etc. to something like 1:/_processed_/.

  1. Save

    Click save. That will try to call the Bynder API the first time.

  2. Check

    If everything works you should now see the Bynder Status at the bottom of your new bynder storage record.