Widget / EditPoiViewHelper

If you have your own extension you can use this widget to create a map with one Marker which a user can move via drag 'n drop or click on the map. The ViewHelper adds some hidden fields with the new position which you can catch in your extension with GeneralUtility::_POST()


Please make sure you have inserted the static template Maps2 (maps2) in your TypoScript template.

Type: Basic

General properties


In the Widget template itself the property will be used for the property attribute of the m:form.hidden element. Check your domain model where you have added a relation to PoiCollection. If the getter method name is getLocationPoi you have to set property to locationPoi. But in most cases it will be txMaps2Uid.


<m:form.hidden class="title-{data.uid}" property="{property}.title" value="{title}" />


Set the object of type PoiCollection to this property. We will use it and prepare the HTML form to change latitude and longitude.


Title is a mandatory field in PoiCollection object. Set it to the title of your current model, if you want or assign a hard-coded title.


As you know the plugin settings will override the TypoScript settings. With override you can override these settings again here in the template. Do not use it too often, as it will be hard to debug.


Basic example


<maps2:widget.editPoi property="txMaps2Uid"
                      override="{settings: {mapWidth: '100%', mapHeight: '300'}}" />