Example configurations

In this section you will find some examples how ext:replacer can be used.

Replace pattern only within tags using a regex

It is even possible to replace content just within a specific tag like a parameter.

Replace content within a paragraph


config.tx_replacer {
  search {
    10 = #(<p[^>]*>.*?)SEARCH(.*?<\/p>)#
    10.enable_regex = 1

  replace {
    10 = $1REPLACE$2


<p class="example">SEARCH</p>

Replaced by:

<p class="example">REPLACE</p>

Use stdWrap for search and replacement

You can use stdWrap functionality if you need a more dynamic way to search and replace content. The main step is equal with the basic configuration like above. You can also use a regex as search pattern and a stdWrap as replacement at the same time!

Use page title as replacement


config.tx_replacer {
  search {
    10 = ###TITLE###

  replace {
    10.stdWrap.field = title

Use page modification date as replacement


config.tx_replacer {
  search {
    10 = ###TIMESTAMP###

  replace {
    # this will replace the timestamp marker in the template with generated value
    10.stdWrap {
    # format like 2017-05-31 09:08
    field = tstamp
    date = Y-m-d H:i

More Example with page modification data

The following code can be used to wrap the search parameter with strong tag and the md5 hash of page title.


config.tx_replacer {
  search {
    10 = hash value to be replaced

  replace {
    10.wrap = <strong>|</strong>
    #replacement will be md5 hash of current page title
    10.field = title
    10.hash = md5

We can replace the value in the search key with hash value of the search key by configuring the current property of stdWrap. Here is an example below.


config.tx_replacer {
  search {
    10 = hash value to be replaced
    10.setContentToCurrent = 1

  replace {
    # replacement will be md5 hash of search key - "hash value to be replaced"
    10.current = 1
    10.wrap = <strong>|</strong>
    10.hash = md5

Take a look into the stdWrap documentation for more information.