
What does it do?

The extension were build to manage firefighter operations in a TYPO3 website. The data for operations are managed in TYPO3 Backend by editors. Many detailed information e.g. used vehicles, recources, assistance and more are possible. This extension can be used for other institutions like THW, police or security agencys too. Different views in Frontend possible.


Views in Frontend:

  • List/single view of reports
  • filter by type, year and category or text
  • Show location on a map in single view
  • Map with all locations instead of normal list view
  • Statistics by operation type with a bar chart (made with Chart.js)


Extension FireDepartment can be used as Site Package. Styles already optimized for operation default templates.


If the extension is useful for you and you would like to support my work you can make a donation on paypal: PayPal Donation


Icons for data in backend: